Thanks for the suggestion keithcurtis, but unfortunately the issue persists. I'll try to describe the problem in more details: I select the spellcater character to token I click on the token action for the spell I want to cast (with SmartAoE) It prompts me to select at which level I want to cast the spell. (So far so good) The AoEControlToken Appears on top of the spellcaster token. But a red translucent red square also appear on top of the AoEControltoken. This is the issue. Normally, this red translucent square would appear below the AoE ControlToken and above the character token (in between). The order is wrong. The tokens are layered in the correct order in the non-jumpgate version of the game. This causes me to select the red translucent AoEsquare object when I try to select the AoEControlToken to move it around. If I right click on that red square and send it to back, I am then able to select move the AoEControlToken around normally, but each time I drop it, it redraws the translucent red squares that shows the Area of effect IN FRONT of the AoEControltoken. If I send the area squares to the back, I can select the AoEControlToken and tigger the spell using hte token action. It works as intended and rolls saving throw and applies damage as expected. So, the issue is with the order in which the tokens are layered. Jumpgate (Bugged) Legacy (Working) Layer 1 (top) Area of Effect red translucent square(s) AoEControlToken Layer 2 AoEControlToken Area of Effect red translucent square(s) Layer 3 (bottom) Spellcaster Character Token Spellcaster Character Token