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PF2 Charactermancer

It looks like my planned PF2 campaign is going to fall through and I'll be forced to use 5e instead because of the lack of a charactermancer. It was promised 4 years ago; when is it coming?
This will be a never. They also removed it from the product page here. Also, it was 2019 that it was promised, so we are looking at 5 and a half years ago. This has been transitioned to incorporating  Demiplane into Roll 20. I keep being told someday (I ask on all platforms, and they simply ignore the 5 and a half years ago part of the equation). They incorporated Demiplane about 6 months ago, all we, as PF2 Players/supporters, is the like for like products for here and there of the remaster books (if you got the 4 here, they gave you an unlock there. We are still waiting on all of the other material and functional incorporation. They keep saying announcements soon, but offer zero communication here, so why believe them?
Oh OK, well that could work, I guess. I have my Paizo account synced with both Roll20 and Demiplane, and I have some items purchased on both Paizo and Rolle20 so...I should get them unlocked on Demiplane? In theory at least?
In time, if you have the 4 remastered here, then you should have received a code to unlock them there. They have claimed that like for like purchases are on the way, but they are in no rush. By the time PF2 is usable here, PF3 will be out, all this while Roll 20's competitors have PF2 front and center. I would say the name, but I would likely get another warning.

Edited 1736559343
Forum Champion
Howdy folks - long time lurker, first time caller. My name is Peter and I have the great joy of leading the Demiplane team (and playing a lot of Pathfinder!).  I get my official "here's how you write an official blog post" walkthrough next week, but I saw this post and figured I'd jump in to give you an early sneak peek at what we'll be sharing before the end of this month (January)! The update is going to revolve around three major topics:  First, progress on Demiplane and Roll20's "like-for-like" content program Second, progress report on the Demiplane and Roll20 integration, and Third, how we're rolling out the integration Progress Report on "Like-for-Like" We've been fortunate to be able to continue rolling out and expanding our like-for-like content program. We started with Pathfinder 2e, just kicked off work for our Marvel Multiverse RPG players, and have had the opportunity to provide pretty significant discounts to prior owners of Cyberpunk RED content. Each of these initiatives are unique opportunities that we work on with each of our game publishing partners - I'm pleased with the progress to date and we haven't slowed down! It sounds like we should get in touch to make sure you've got the like-for-like content secured, @Dean. If you submit a ticket and reference this forum post, we'll get you set up. Progress Report on the Demiplane-Roll20 Integration I'm pleased with how well the integration is coming along. We are weeks - not months - from having the first wave of releases in folks hands to beat up and kick around. While the concept is simple (enable Demiplane character sheets in Roll20), we wanted to make certain we spend the time to have this simple concept extend across each game system Demiplane and Roll20 share. For the first few weeks, we are looking to get feedback on things like the account linking flow, character linking from within a Roll20 game system, testing out to see how things like GM Editing permissions and rolling into the Roll20 chat log are working, macro implementation, etc. Some of these things are new to Roll20 and Demiplane both, others are new just to Demiplane, and some are new just to Roll20.  All in all, I'm pleased with where we are. I'm certain we'll find more to do once we get things out the door here soon.  How we're rolling out the integration At the risk of making things sound too simple, we are crossing two major bridges as a part of this integration: the first bridge - which is the foundational work we're nearing completion on - is enabling characters from Demiplane to be usable into Roll20. The second bridge is enabling characters from Demiplane to exist alongside characters from Roll20 in the same game at the same time . This means our first wave of releases (the first bridge) will be using a game system that will work with Demiplane characters only (no current Roll20 charactermancer support). Before I announce which game system we're thinking about, I want to make sure we have enough of the crew in agreement. I do feel comfortable saying the one I'm hearing the most support for is a familiar one.  As it pertains to Pathfinder 2e specifically -- My initial assumptions were that folks playing Pathfinder 2e would not  want to have to recreate all of their Campaigns in order to take advantage of the new character capabilities. Given that, I assumed it would be better to wait until we have characters from both systems coexisting in the same game (which is the second bridge we'll be crossing). I can say that may or may not have been prioritizing my own campaign, buuuuutttttttt I'm open to discussion if either of you feel differently. I just didn't want people having to hot potato their players between games as we roll these features out.  Finally, the real talk As a long time Roll20 user - and a big time Pathfinder 2e fan - I think it is fair for me to say that I know the PF2e charactermancer has been a hot topic. As we've continued to bring the Demiplane and Roll20 teams together, building that trust back is something we talk about each and every day. It is at the forefront of my mind. I want a great Pathfinder 2e experience that can be extended to any table any where at any time. I want that for new players and veterans and as a player and a Game Master. Frankly I'd like it a little bit more often as a player, but I expect you both know how that goes.   This got a bit long-winded, but hopefully it is informative. I'm going to be publishing a blog series here on Roll20 and over on our Demiplane forums (first post coming very soon) with more concrete examples now that the big decisions are pretty much all made and the first wave of dev work is wrapping up. I'll come back here and post when that's live. I'm excited to start getting this all in your hands! PS: I'm about to hit "Submit Post". Now that I'm an official Roll20 team member, I wonder if I get any special flair.... PSS: Forum Champion!! Wow!!
I appreciate this communication, it is something myself and others have been asking for. For a while. On the like for like, as of right now it is only for the four remaster books, and new content if we bought it on Demiplane, I am reluctant to by any here or there until the rest of my content is unlocked. Is there a timeline for this? Again, I appreciate your contribution to the chat Peter, and for years I have been begging for communication. I know Demiplane is fairly new to this part of the communication and has been more active in 6 months than we, as PF2 players, have heard in the prior 5 years.

Edited 1736987550
Forum Champion
Hi Jariath - We need to get approval on the like-for-like unlocks with our partners. We do not have approval for unlocking the entire library of Pathfinder 2e Content, only the Core Four and new content moving forward that is a part of the "Nexus+" program.   Edit: I'm striking this, as it turns out we've still got an iron in this fire and it's still being worked on.  I'll shoot you a message with a few additional thoughts, but I do not expect this will happen anytime soon.  Separately, I fully expect to be communicating through the integration over these next few weeks and months in the forums and the our official blog. If there's a specific forum or thread worth posting updates in that you're aware of, let me know and I'll keep folks up to date. I'm pretty open to suggestions.

Edited 1737010237
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
It's more oriented towards sheet than product, but there is this official thread .