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Attempting to add a item like intiative chart but had counters that can increase.

I am looking for a way to create a popup like the Initiative chart that allows me to add counters.  Much like the initiative chart can be moved on the map by the individual players to get out of the way of the view on the map but is always up. My idea is to a pop up that the players can see counters added, or tokens dragged onto it, and yet the player can move it about on their screens but does not mess with others, much like the Intiative tracker. Currently, I have created a token and drop the token on the spot on the map board, move it to the map layer and then players can drop tokens on it, but it is static and not all online players have the same monitor real estate. Any suggestions?
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Can you just use the turn tracker for that?  You could use AddCustomTurn to get upward countered, or use tokens and macros with the &{tracker:+} stuff. If necessary, you can use GroupInitiative to save and restore various turn order entries.