Bones here! Been in a big FF kick lately, just rebooted my FF14 account and started back in on FF9 in my spare time, and I was curious if anyone was running a game set in a Final Fantasy themed world. I left the system pretty open, as while I know there is a DND 5e source book out there I didn't want to write off any other system that is being used. About me: Roleplayer first, I don't care to min/max my builds and would rather make a character with flaws and abilities that match their story rather than what will make me be the best all around at the table. I have years of 2014 5e experience, one single game of Pathfinder 2e, but years and years of roleplay experience as well as final fantasy knowledge. I'm in my 30s, and I can tell jokes as much as I can stick to serious and heavy plots. My free hours are ANY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY after 5pm CST due to work. I can play for several hours just that's when my reliable time to get off work is.