Hi all,
I'm making a custom character sheet template for my Kids on Brooms game. There's a mechanic called Take Half in the game where you can choose to take half the value of your die in that stat instead of rolling so I'd like to make a button for this but I'm having trouble with the macro. I can get the button to roll the die but getting the maximum value and dividing by two doesn't seem to be something roll20 macros can do? Or did I miss something in the wiki?
<button class="kob-stat__button_takeHalf" name="roll_takeHalf_fight" type="roll" value="&{template:kobrooms} {{name=Take Half of Fight}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} {{roll=[[1@{fight}]]}}"><span data-i18n="Take Half of Fight">Take Half of Fight Fight</span></button>
is there a way to get the max value of 1@{fight} ?