The Aaron said: There are a few questions you can answer to determine if a script is likely to have problems: does it rely on the player to draw a line? If it does, it will probably need to be updated. It won't crash, but the new pathv2 object for Jumpgate won't be seen by scripts that are looking for legacy path objects. Some scripts have been updated for this (It's a Trap, PathMath, Token Collisions). Others still need to be updated (Patrol, Dry Erase, etc.) does it use duplicate status markers? Jumpgate doesn't currently show multiple status markers. Fly, Flymore, FateDots, etc won't be useful. TokenMod won't be able to show the multiple status markers. Beyond that, I can't think of anything that would cause an issue. There may be a few bugs (TurnMarker1 is affected by one such bug, where api created images can't be pushed to the back), so definitely be very vocal about any issues! So drawing lines, no I don't think so. Same with duplicate status markers, all of ours, while custom, are unique. keithcurtis said: Does it change attributes on a character sheet? Not a Jumpgate incompatibility per se, but one with Beacon. The new D&D sheet is Beacon-based, and the ability to mix sheets is Jumpgate based, so it's definitely a factor to consider. Most scripts that alter an attribute on a character sheet are currently incompatible. I do have mods that change attributes. Lots of sheet interaction actually from gold, to XP, to swapping stats, etc. ChatSetATTR comes to mind, but it's game dependent. In one game we use: Aura/Tint Health Colors, TokenMod, MonsterHitDice, DungeonAlchemistImporter, and Faerun Calendar. In the other game we use: TokenMod, WildHelpers, WildShape (though this might get replaced with a script using ScriptCards), ScriptCards, Concentration, ChatSetATTR, SpawnDefaultToken, SuperNotes, TempHP, Messenger, SelectManager, libTokenMarkers, DeleteToken, TableExport,