I'm still new to roll20 macro coding and am trying to design macros for 3.5 psionic energy powers, such that when I use one, it gives a drop-down list of the energy types to select, and then displays the chosen energy type on the information table. I have this for Energy Cone:
&{template:DnD35StdRoll} {{spellflag=true}} {{name=@{character_name} }} {{subtags=manifests [Energy Cone!](https://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/energyCone.htm)}} {{Energy Type:= [[?{Energy?|Cold|Electric|Fire|Sonic}]] }} {{Overchannel:= [[?{Overchannel?|0|1|2|3}]] }} {{Augment:= [[?{Augment?|0}]] }} {{Discipline:= Psychokinesis}} {{Level:= Energy 3}} {{Display:= Auditory}} {{Manifesting Time:= standard action}} {{Range: = 60 ft}} {{Area:= Cone-shaped spread}} {{Duration:= Instantaneous}} {{Save DC:= Reflex or Fort (Cold) Half (DC [[13+@{wis-mod}+?{Augment?|0}/2]]) +2 if Electric }} {{Power Resist:= Yes}} {{Power Points:= [[5 +?{Augment?|0}]]}} {{ML check: = [[d20+@{manifesterlevel}+?{Overchannel?|0}]] (+2 if Electric) vs Power Resistance.}} {{Damage=[[5d6 +?{Augment?|0}d6]] energy damage %NEWLINE%+[[5+?{Augment?|0}]] damage if Fire/Cold %NEWLINE%-[[5+?{Augment?|0}]] damage if Sonic}}
My problem is specifically with the Energy Type part:
{{Energy Type:= [[?{Energy?|Cold|Electric|Fire|Sonic}]] }}
If I remove it, the power's output posts fine.
If I change the cold|electric|fire|sonic to 1|2|3|4, the power's output posts fine (w/ a number 1-4 in the "Energy Type" section).
But I want it to actually output the text. How do I do this?