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Macros in Jumpgate (Init specifically to start)

January 12 (1 month ago)

Tried searching first but so many results come up if this has been answered sorry for the repost.

So going to start a new campaign, using the new 2024 rules and jumpgate, and cannot get any macro's to work (not API's).  Do macro's not work currently for DnD 2024 and jumpgate (as there is a spot for them)?

Been trying to work a Initiative macro, when I select the token and put it in chat, it works, but if I put it as a macro, select the token and run the macro, I get an error:

"You wanted to send the result of this roll to the turn tracker, but no valid token was selected!"

The macro I am trying is the following (my initiative bonus is +2, so trying to do just a simple roll, but if there is a way to auto include my initiative with bonus without manually adding it like this, like how it works in the 2014 rules, would be great)

/roll 1d20 + 2 &{tracker}

I tried looking around roll20 community (including google) and the wiki page, but everything is for the 2014 ruleset not 2024.

January 12 (1 month ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

I've duplicated this issue by creating a Character Macro on the 2024 sheet with the above contents.

January 12 (1 month ago)

The macro bar is broken for the 2024 sheet, has been for months, from the launch, and I've been telling it's broken since then. It doesn't connect selected or target tokens when a macro is called from the sheet.

January 13 (1 month ago)

Edited January 13 (1 month ago)
Andrew R.
Sheet Author

The macro bar was working for me last time I tested it, which was ages ago, but I don't use the D&D 2024 character sheet, only 13th Age & The One Ring 2e. I'll test my macros & Mods again.

Edit: the macro bar is working fine in a Jumpgate game with The One Ring 2e character sheet & TokenMod Mod.