Hi Roman, Roll20 made a specific design decision to not have the 2024 Compendium backwards compatible with the D&D 5e 2014 by Roll20 character sheet. They decided that they wanted to support the Beacon style character sheets going forward, and that requires a completely different Compendium structure that is not compatible with the D&D 5e 2014 by Roll20 character sheet. Unfortunately, it is my understanding that the D&D 5e 2014 by Roll20 character sheet has code that is the equivalent of "held together by duct tape" that updating it to take both compendiums would probably not end well. Personally, I would have liked to have seen a brand new D&D 5e 2014/2024 by Roll20 character sheet in the 2014 sheet's style. But, they gave us the current D&D 5e 2024 by Roll20 sheet based on Beacon instead. Hopefully itll become usable someday. With all that said, I have been using the 2024 rules on the D&D 5e 2014 sheet. What I did is create sheets for each class, putting the 2014 spells on each sheet, then updating those spells to their 2024 counterparts. Next I spin off copies of each sheet for my players. Player wants a Cleric? I spin off a copy of the Cleric sheet.