Running 5E on Roll20 and looking to figure out how I would modify an attack macro pulled from the character sheet to make the roll with advantage, i.e. using reckless attack, feint, or steady aim. Let's use the following for a new character's rapier attack.
@{name|wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=+5}} {{rname=Rapier}} {{r1=[[@{name|d20}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} @{name|rtype}cs>20 + 3[DEX] + 2[PROF]]]}} {{attack=1}} {{range=}} {{damage=1}} {{dmg1flag=1}} {{dmg1=[[1d8 + 3[DEX]]]}} {{dmg1type=Piercing}} 0 {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[1d8[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} 0 {{desc=}} {{spelllevel=}} {{innate=}} {{globalattack=@{name|global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{name|global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo= @{name|charname_output}
How would I modify this to have it roll this attack with advantage when I do not have advantage turned on globally?
In similar vein, how would I turn a skill roll such as the following into one with advantage if I have a class feature/item that gives me automatic advantage?
Having it ask for advantage every time slows the game down and it's pretty common to forget to turn advantage on and off when you only need it for a single roll so I would love to be able to macro it. I don't want to create an entirely new template that does not match with the rest of the character's and the rest of the party's rolls, I just want to save myself going to my sheet, toggling advantage, rolling, and then toggling back every time. I'd make a separate attack in the character sheet just for advantage if I could designate it there.