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Delta Green Character Sheet Problems

January 13 (1 month ago)

Since last week, the official Delta Green character sheets have a problem.  It happens with or without Jumpgate.  It looks like there is an embedded graphic missing as there's a large symbol with a red diagonal in a red circle over it.

It was fine last week (4th Jan) but the problem appeared when we played on 11th Jan.

Creating a test game with or without Jumpgate yields the same result.

Apologies if this is in the wrong forum but I can't see a better place to post it.

January 13 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion

Hi Brian, 

Please check again, there was an issue affecting multiple sheets that was fixed today. If it hasn't been fixed please let me know. 

January 14 (1 month ago)
Nora C.
Roll20 Team

I've also got my eyes on this thread. Delta Green was one of the sheets I specifically checked when we applied the fix, so please let me know if the problem has come back!

January 15 (1 month ago)

Hi both,

The problem has now been fixed.  Many thanks for your efforts.  Much appreciated.
