timmaugh said: I did a quick glance at the TokenMod help, but I didn't find a reference to this setting. I also used Inspector to look at what is in the JSON of the token, and it isn't listed there. That doesn't mean it isn't available to scripts (since the properties have to be added to the JSON package on the backend, and that can happen separately from their availability), but it's a good indication that it will NOT be set-able by TokenMod. However, I would think that this is tied to the default settings of the token... these steps work in my game to change this setting permanently: 1) drag a token to the board 2) set the visibility 3) click the "Update Default Token" button 4) delete this token and re-add to the board So this is where I have an issue. When I try to set the default value, it doesn't set this value after deleting the token and putting it back on the board. It always reverts to Visible to Editors. This is what I'm trying to change, even if it is a quick fix besides going into each token and trying to select it in the menu (which has always been difficult, because you get a half second to click the Visible to Everyone setting). So, if there is a way to do this, I would like to figure it out.