So, I'm running a game with a custom system. For this reason, I'm using the default character sheet, but I have a "template" character with basic functions that I copy from when making new characters to save time on rewriting basic/universal abilities and attributes.
Today, I thought that maybe I could get the template's token to display HP by default, since this is a behavior I would like all characters to inherit.
Not only did this not work, but now, every single character copied from the template has lost the default token behaviors of
1) Automatically assuming that the token represents the sheet that spawned it, and
2) Using the avatar of the sheet that spawned it as an image.
Notably, "apply token defaults" does absolutely nothing to fix this new issue.
Normally, I wouldn't fret over this - I can still manually set the tokens with an image and tell them what they represent. However, because this problem is now infesting my default template character sheet, it is now propagating this issue to all characters.
Every. Single. Character. That I make.
I am perhaps understandably peeved that I may have permanently increased my load of busywork in setting up my game, OR that I will have to manually recreate my basic template from scratch...
So, is there any way to fix this issue, and *actually* restore the default token behavior?