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Group-init and the 2024 5e sheet

January 19 (2 months ago)

Edited January 19 (2 months ago)

So I gave this a go in my last session and sure enough I can get it to roll d20 for everything selected and sort them, but it's not adding in the initiative bonus.

From the help it looks like I'm supposed to configure it via doing.

!group-init --del-group 1

!group-init --add-group --bare initiative_bonus

I can run this and see in the chat a Bonus Stat Groups box and row 1 has an entry for initiative_bonus.

But when I then select some tokens and run '!group-init' I get the same behaviour, rolls a d20 but no value is added to the rolls.

I thought from the recent blog post this was one of the scripts that was supposed to be working with the 2024 5e sheet?

Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: (I was, I had the default mod server enabled, not the experimental one, but then I found a glitch ...).

January 19 (2 months ago)

Looks like the Experimental mod server crashed:

Your scripts are currently disabled due to an error that was detected. Please make appropriate changes to your script's code and click the "Save Script" button. We will then attempt to start running the scripts again. More info... If this script was installed from the Mod Library, you might find help in the Community API Forum.

For reference, the error message generated was: TypeError: c?.get is not a function TypeError: c?.get is not a function at func (apiscript.js:387:33) at apiscript.js:1330:25 at Array.reduce (<anonymous>) at apiscript.js:1301:48 at (<anonymous>) at GetBonuses (apiscript.js:1287:31) at findInitiativeBonus (apiscript.js:1364:23) at apiscript.js:1406:35 at (<anonymous>) at makeRollsForIDs (apiscript.js:1403:6)

January 19 (2 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

HI Dresdon!

It is unlikely you are doing anything wrong. There are some constraints, due to how multiple parts of Roll20 in development interact.

  • First, make sure that your API page is set for Experimental instead of Default.
  • Second, if you are in a dual sheet game, make sure that the 2024 sheet is the primary. Since it was not developed with the API in mind, it requires more background processing that is only possible if it is the primary.

If your game is currently a dual sheet game with 2014 as primary, the safest way to upgrade is to duplicate the game and specify the 2024 sheet as primary in the duplicate. Roll20 will see that there is 2014 material in the game and automatically add the second sheet in order to preserve your data.

January 19 (2 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

Hmm. "c?.get" is indeed in Group Initiative. I'll see if I can get the Aaron's attention.

January 19 (2 months ago)

Edited January 19 (2 months ago)

I was trying this in conjunction with TurnMarker1, and the graphical marker used by TurnMarker1 was being selected to roll initiative as I'd manually cleared the turn order. It looks like GroupInit crashes if it gets asked to roll initiative on something that doesn't have a character sheet attached maybe.

I was able to repo this quite easily.

I have now got the GroupInit thing working and pulling in the bonus, but it needs to be made more robust against GM's accidently including a drawing / object which doesn't have a sheet attached.

January 19 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Ah, I bet it isn't working correctly with tokens that don't represent characters.  I missed that when testing.  I'll get a patch out.

January 23 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

This should be fixed now in the Script Library version.

January 24 (2 months ago)

Hello. Im not sure if this is the mod causing this error that I am recieving, but i recieved this randomly and its auto disabling my scripts. I disabled them one at a time to try and narrow down the issue, but i still get the error regardless. I am on Jumpgate and all the scripts are updated the latest version. The current scripts i have are Tokenmod, GroupInitiative, and a custom API for handout visability

Error: Sheet worker error: Cannot access 'RollBonusIntegrant' before initialization ReferenceError: Cannot access 'RollBonusIntegrant' before initialization at eval (eval at self.onmessage (eval at toFunction (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:11:2)), <anonymous>:97191:34) at self.onmessage (eval at toFunction (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:11:2), <anonymous>:9:25) at process.<anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:65:55) at process.emit (node:events:517:28) at emit (node:internal/child_process:944:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

January 24 (2 months ago)
API Scripter

Hey, Evan... I did a quick search of the Roll20 repo and I don't see that text "RollBonusIntegrant". You might be able to figure out which script this is by using the ScriptInfo script. Once you install it (and if you can get your sandbox to boot up), use the line number in the error (for you, that's 97191):

!scriptinfo 97191

Note that the line number of the error *might* change when you install a new script (I've seen the latest script added not actually be the last script in the installed set). In any case, the output from that command should show you the script that has that particular line number... OR... it will show you how many lines before/after another script it is. That should let you place it in the Script deck for your game.

The script relies on scripts being built with a particular bit of code that helps ScriptInfo disambiguate line numbers. If you want to understand more, here is the thread about ScriptInfo.

January 24 (2 months ago)

Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately the sandbox instantly fails before it even initializes, rendering me unable to run any commands. The funny thing is, the scripts I have were running just fine the past few days. I was in the middle of reading a compendium entry, and noticed the error pop up on my other screen. Ever since, i can't get the sandbox to start up, regardless of which scripts are disabled. 

I saw a similar error to this one from another user, and the reply they recieved was that it was a backend issue that had to be fixed and that they should wait for the patch to fix it. But that was from a few days ago and the patch has already been implemented to my knowledge.

January 24 (2 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I just got the same message as Evan did. But it was preceded by the message:

"The character sheet encountered an error, character sheet integration may not function correctly."

I'm thinking that this is a sheet-related issue of some kind. Switching from Experimental to Default seemed to clear it up, though.

January 24 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Any time you see tiny-worker in the call stack, that's a Beacon sheet (the DnD 2024 sheet for example) having an issue.  I'll pass this up to the sheet devs and see if they can figure out what the issue is.  Generally speaking, this issue is happening through GroupInitiative, because it's accessing the computed fields on the Beacon sheet.  I can probably patch GroupInitiative to prevent this from bringing the API Server down, or possibly wrap this in the API Server code to prevent it from crashing (that's probably the better route, I'll look at that tonight...).

January 24 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Wow, got a super fast response from the devs (Thanks Nicole!).  This was a bug in the 2024 sheet which has been patched this morning.  To resolve it, switch to the default API server, then once it starts up, switch back to the Experimental server.

January 24 (2 months ago)

Edited January 24 (2 months ago)

Hmm this isn't working for me:

Error: Sheet worker error: Cannot access 'RollBonusIntegrant' before initialization ReferenceError: Cannot access 'RollBonusIntegrant' before initialization at eval (eval at self.onmessage (eval at toFunction (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:11:2)), <anonymous>:97191:34) at self.onmessage (eval at toFunction (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:11:2), <anonymous>:9:25) at process.<anonymous> (/home/node/d20-api-server/node_modules/tiny-worker/lib/worker.js:65:55) at process.emit (node:events:517:28) at emit (node:internal/child_process:944:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

So the Default server will start, but the Experimental throws the error above.

I've only got 2 scripts enabled, the latest GroupInitiative and TurnMarker1

Which I assume means it's goosed for pulling from the 2024 sheet.

January 24 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Hmm. This appears to be an ongoing issue. I've brought it up again with the devs and they are looking into it. 

January 25 (2 months ago)

Not sure if this is the same issue or not, but when I use Group init, it works as expected for 2014 sheets but it doesn't find a matching rule for the 2024 sheet. In addition I get the following errors;

"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named Advantage 2024"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named dnd2024byroll20"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named advantage"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named kh1"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named init_tiebreaker"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named Disadvantage 2024"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named dnd2024byroll20"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named disadvantage"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named kl1"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named init_tiebreaker"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2024"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named dnd2024byroll20"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named init_tiebreaker"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named Advantage 2014"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named ogl5e"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named advantage"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named kh1"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named Disadvantage 2014"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named ogl5e"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named disadvantage"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named kl1"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named 2014"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named ogl5e"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"

I am using the one click latest version, I have disabled Experimental and re-enabled. Using Chrome and Edge browsers.

January 30 (2 months ago)

Any news on whether this lot is fixed yet?

January 30 (2 months ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

As  of this morning, it is still an issue, at least on my end.

January 30 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

Those errors are really just over reporting by the API server  I've actually removed them in the latest branch.

Steverhud said:

Not sure if this is the same issue or not, but when I use Group init, it works as expected for 2014 sheets but it doesn't find a matching rule for the 2024 sheet. In addition I get the following errors;

"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named Advantage 2024"
"Error: No attribute or sheet field found for character_id -OFHyPop-VbdsR6fX7zW named initiative_bonus"

I am using the one click latest version, I have disabled Experimental and re-enabled. Using Chrome and Edge browsers.

January 30 (2 months ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

The RollBonusIntegrant issue is an ongoing investigation with Beacon sheets. The devs devs looking at it right now. 

February 02 (1 month ago)

Please make this a priority. 

This is really impactful for our group.

February 03 (1 month ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

It's out of the scope of my involvement, but I know that the developers are actively working on this.

February 08 (1 month ago)

Edited February 08 (1 month ago)

Another week rolled by and this is still barfed.

I saw Keith's Mods video - Did you create that on some internal release to have the D&D 2024 sheet working with GroupInitative?

I still am unable to start the experimental mod server without hitting the Sheet worker issue.

February 08 (1 month ago)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter

The Experimental server with the 2024 sheet has been up and down with that bug. Keith recorded it in a period when it was up I'm sure. The Beacon devs have isolated the issue and a fix will be out shortly.

February 23 (1 month ago)

group -init and turnmarker1 were both running in the Experimental server for me this w/e for the game I ran.

February 23 (1 month ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The RollIntegrant bug seems to have been fixed, and the Experimental server is back online.