So I gave this a go in my last session and sure enough I can get it to roll d20 for everything selected and sort them, but it's not adding in the initiative bonus.
From the help it looks like I'm supposed to configure it via doing.
!group-init --del-group 1
!group-init --add-group --bare initiative_bonus
I can run this and see in the chat a Bonus Stat Groups box and row 1 has an entry for initiative_bonus.
But when I then select some tokens and run '!group-init' I get the same behaviour, rolls a d20 but no value is added to the rolls.
I thought from the recent blog post this was one of the scripts that was supposed to be working with the 2024 5e sheet?
Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: (I was, I had the default mod server enabled, not the experimental one, but then I found a glitch ...).