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Is it possible to have multiple tokens of different sizes on one character sheet

January 21 (3 weeks ago)

Long story short. I have a metallic dragon in my game that has a humanoid form. I know how to add multiple tokens to a sheet with the rollable token but I have trouble with having the gargantuan metallic dragon as one token and the medium sized humanoid as the other. Is there a solution to this? 

January 21 (3 weeks ago)

Edited January 21 (3 weeks ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

There's not a good solution. Since youre a Pro user, you can probably use a script to change the icon size when it changes to the dragon.

January 21 (3 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

Wildshape API Mod script,

January 21 (3 weeks ago)

Oh that wildshape script looks perfect. I'm not much of a programmer/scripter/whatever or anything but I'm sure I can figure it out. Thanks