Hello, I have been developing character sheets for some time now and I find myself facing a problem that I cannot explain despite several attempts at resolution.
It turns out that I integrate images to dress up my rolltemplates. However, while the images load correctly when the images are "new", when I restart the game, by inspecting Chrome's DEVTools, I realize that the links of my images are modified with the prefix
However when I check the link, access denied appears and therefore an image not displayed in the rolltemplate.
After browsing the forum, I understood that the prefix allows roll20 to secure access to images, however, in my case (and perhaps others) the prefix thus added to the CSS does not allow display .
I pushed my research a little, and it turns out that the problem only appears in the rolltemplate, to the extent that in the sheet itself, the prefix is not added, and therefore the problem does not appear.
I tried several actions, such as setting the image links to variables, clearing the cache, making sure that the link folder does not contain special characters, I even pointed directly to the Roll20 github to the extent where my character sheet has been validated and merge. But so far without success. The only temporary way to resolve the problem is to modify the name of the images to reload the css and the part so that the prefix problem does not prevent the display of the images. I also tried with a browser other than Chrome but I encountered the same problem with images not loading.
I would like to point out that my "live" part is under jumpgate, and the problem also persists in the sandbox.
Knowing that our games on Roll20 are streamed, this display problem is quite detrimental in terms of viewer experience.
Thank you in advance for any leads or help that would allow me to resolve this issue.
Here is also a link to the game table if necessary: https://app.roll20.net/campaigns/details/18864798/obscuritas-aeterna
Link to character sheet folder (the css on Github does not contain the variable modification that I set up to test before posting this message):
==> rolltemplate css around line 4270
Part of the rolltemplate css:
--roll_middle: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_middle.webp);
--roll_background: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/background.webp);
--roll_top: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_top.webp);
--roll_bottom: url(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_bottom.webp);
Part of the css via DevTolls chrome:
- --roll_middle: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_middle.webp);
- --roll_background: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/background.webp);
- --roll_top: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_top.webp);
- --roll_bottom: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_bottom.webp);
- --roll_separation: url(https://imgsrv.roll20.net/?src=https%3A//raw.githubusercontent.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/refs/heads/master/Obscuritas/images/roll_separation.webp);