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DM Sharing


My DM is running Curse of Strahd and has shared all the relevant materials via Roll20. Is there a setting I need to enable to take advantage of this sharing?

I can only see the basic information in my compendium when I go to level my character only the basic subclasses are available.   Do I need a subscription in order to have access to these books?

Thank you!!

January 24 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 24 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

Hi RestlessKni9ht, 

Which character sheet are you using? 
Are you in the game when leveling up or in Roll20 Characters? 

Can you provide a screenshot of the issue? 

Hello Gauss,

Thanks for responding!  I am using the 2024 sheet.  I am in game when trying to level up the character, however the issue isn't limited to just leveling up.  When in game I can't seem to view things other than free content (I don't own any R20 books myself).  Example, when searching for spells all I see is the free offerings.

One thing of note that could contribute to this issue, the character was exported from Game A at level 3 and has been imported to Game B and I'm now trying to level/search there.  Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but its the only thing I can think of.

See screenshots below:

January 24 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

Please have your GM post screenshots of the Campaign Details settings, to make sure they are sharing them properly. 

Gauss said:

Please have your GM post screenshots of the Campaign Details settings, to make sure they are sharing them properly. 

Hello, I don't have screenshots, but I did confirm with the DM and the other players that everything is working as expected on their end.

January 25 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

So, without seeing those settings I am unable to verify them. 

While the Charactermancer issues could be character sheet related that would not affect the Compendium. 

Also, your screenshot of the Compendium appears to be taken from a phone, what happens when you enter the game on a computer and try to use the compendium?

Both these screenshots are captured from my laptop. 

January 25 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

RestlessKni9ht said:

Both these screenshots are captured from my laptop. 

Ahhh, sorry the second one is small and difficult to see. 

Gauss said:

RestlessKni9ht said:

Both these screenshots are captured from my laptop. 

Ahhh, sorry the second one is small and difficult to see. 

No worries, I appreciate your help.  I think I'm going to report this as a bug and see what happens.


I still don't have DM screenshot, but the DM created a test game and invited me into it.  In that game I have full access to everything he is sharing.  He says the settings are the same in both games.

I imported by Character into the Test game and leveled him up.  Then exported into the bugged (I guess) game and the sheet isn't working at all.

Would there be an issue with Running Strahd and the 2024 ruleset together?


January 26 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

There shouldn't be, but it does sound like there is a bug within that game. I would file a bug report via the Help Center. Make sure you include the Campaign Details URL (not Join link) to the game. 

Thanks again, Gauss. I opened a ticket on Friday; how long does it take to get a response? 

January 29 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 29 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

You should have had an immediate auto-response to tell you the ticket number. After that it is usually 1-3 business days. 

Please check your spam filter, make sure you got a ticket number. 
If you haven't gotten a response back by end of day tomorrow please post the ticket number and I will see if I can get it some attention. 

Hello Gauss, I still haven’t heard anything. My bug ticket number is 292194. 

January 30 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion

I've pinged the Devs on this, you should be hearing from them (already or soon).