This has come up before but never gotten enough traction to be acted on, it seems. But to me it seems like it would not be difficult to do, and would be valuable for my style of play (which I assume a significant number of GMs also use). When I'm setting up an encounter I like to make the monsters' (and NPCs') attacks into macros and activate the "in bar" buttons to make those quickly available. A previous discussion of this option suggested using Token Actions, bu this way I don't have to create character sheets, which saves me prep time, and during combat when it's time for an attack I just hit one button rather than clicking a token then selecting an action, which makes combat go a little faster and smoother (especially in a many-monster-and-NPC fight). I also use quite abbreviated names for the macros to keep the buttons small and leave room for a good number of them. The only problem is that now my list of macros is quite long and (because of the abbreviated names) it's starting to get hard to remember what they all are. Yes, I could just delete them after using them, but I often call up old ones as the basis for similar new ones, and sometimes previously encountered foes reappear. If I could create folders and put all the macros relevant to a given map page into them, that would help. Or even just have one "archive" folder to put the inactive ones in, with a "move to active" button. Meanwhile I guess I'm going to use a Word file to create an archive, but an in-R20 system would obviously be more efficient.