This game is kind of cursed for me, the couple times I've tried to run it all were plagued with issues. So I'm throwing out my net to see if there's any interest, since my work schedule is giving me some new nights free. Here's the deal; The game is the Jade Regent adventure path, using Pathfinder. This will specifically be a fairly roleplay-heavy campaign, so I'm looking for some mature and experienced players who really want to explore some character, less so new players or those looking to hack-and-slash. For this particular campaign, players should have played through at least the first book of Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings. This is specifically for character connection purposes. Finishing RotRL isn't necessary, simply a working familiarity with the Sandpoint setting and the NPCs within it that comes from playing in it. That's about as specific as I think is necessary right now, since this is just a check to see if there's enough interest in the game to put together a group. Games will be run through Skype voice, and the Jade Regent Player's Guide is a good thing to check out if you're not familiar with the adventure. So yeah, let's see if there's anyone wanting to run it. EDIT: Interested parties should send me a PM with their basic experience, both with Pathfinder itself and the requisite Adventure Path, and what they are looking for in a campaign, as well as procure themselves a copy of the Jade Regent Player's Guide, which is free from Paizo. I'm leaning towards Thursdays at the moment.