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D&D 2024 Macros Successfully Converted From D&D 2014

January 26 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 27 (2 weeks ago)

I have read many forums asking how to convert the D&D 2014 Macros to the current D&D 2024 Jump Gate Macros.  I did not find any successful responses so I created this forum to show anyone still searching.  Time permitting, I will add examples, some of which have integrated images.  As a DM, it adds flavor to our game.   

I have a Pro Account and installed the following Roll20 API Scripts: ChatSetAttr / GroupCheck / GroupInitiative / libInline / libTokenMarkers / Mod Library / SmartAoE / Token Action Maker / TokenMarker / TokenMod 

I saved these into the Abilities section of the Attributes & Abilities tab of a 2014 D&D Character Sheet and labeled them as their spell name. 

In order to get the Spell Save and Spell Attack macros to work on the new D&D 2024 Jump Gate sheets you will need to do the following:

1) On a player's character sheet, under the "Advanced Tools" tab, select "Attributes", then "+New Attribute".  A side tab will open.  For "Name", input "spell_save_dc" without quotations.  For "Description", add whatever you like (I wrote Spell Save DC).  For "Current" and "Max" you have to enter the current spell save DC of the character - I entered 13 for both (I have found it is easier on the system to just use a flat number rather than entering 8+pb+ability mod).  Click Save and you now have that character's spell save DC that the macros requiring spell saves will reflect in their roll.

2) Repeat the process for Spell Attacks except for "Name" input "spell_attack_bonus" without quotations, write your description, and use the flat spell attack number (i.e. 5) for "Current" and "Max".  When you select a character and use a macro that has a spell attack, it will reference that number.

Hope this helps anyone looking for such a thing.       

*Alternative Method: On your 2014 Character Sheet (or NPC sheet), under the 'Attributes & Abilities" tab, add two new "Attributes" (right side).  Name one "spell_attack_bonus" and the other "spell_save_dc" (without the quotes).  Input your caster's numbers (5 and 13 for my caster).  Now create a token icon for this 2014 Character Sheet (or NPC sheet) and save it in "Use Selected Token" .  Whenever you need to cast a macro-enabled spell (like those below) you can select this token as the caster.  Since I have multiple casters I just edit the spell attack bonus and spell save dc as needed before using a macro.  It works.


January 26 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 27 (2 weeks ago)

MAGIC_MISSILE (due to a Roll20 2024 system glitch this can only be viewed in the chat from the alternative method I originally posted) 

&{template:default}{{name=Magic Missile}}{{level=1 Evocation}} {{casting=1 action}} {{range=120 ft.}}{{Components=Verbal}}{{duration=Instantaneous}} {{description=You create three glowing darts of magical force at Level 1 plus one extra dart per spell slot above 1st. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range for 1d4+1 Force damage. The darts all strike at once and can hit one creature for the total damage or several creatures for individual damage. [ ]( Total: ?{Level?

|1,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 1


|2,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 2


|3,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 3


|4,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 4


|5,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 5


|6,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 6


|7,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 7


|8,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

**Level 8**


|9,[[ [[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]]+[[1d4+1]] ]]

Level 9



January 26 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 27 (2 weeks ago)

AURA_OF_VITALITY (due to a Roll20 2024 system glitch this can only be viewed in the chat from the alternative method I originally posted) 

&{template:default}{{name=Aura of Vitality}}{{level=3 Evocation}} {{casting=1 Action}} {{range=Self (30-foot radius)}}{{components=Verbal}} {{duration=Concentration up to 1 minute}} {{description= Healing energy radiates from you in a 30 foot radius. For the duration, the aura moves with and is centered on you. You can use a Bonus action to heal yourself or another in the aura for 2d6 hit points. 

[ ](

Total: [[ [[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]]+[[2d6]] ]] 



January 26 (2 weeks ago)

Neither of these macros interact with the character sheet data in any way, so it's hardly surprising that they work regardless of the sheet used.

January 26 (2 weeks ago)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter

I haven't dived into the macros, since I usually avoid parsing complex macros on the forum for my own sanity, but I don't think OP said anything about the sheet, just Jumpgate and the new rule set. Do these reflect rules changes, or just a shift to the default rolltemplate and the addition of a graphic?

January 27 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 27 (2 weeks ago)

FAERIE_FIRE (due to a Roll20 2024 system glitch this can only be viewed in the chat from the alternative method I originally posted) 

!smartaoe {{

  --title|Faerie Fire(C)

  --leftsub|Level 1

  --rightsub|DC @{selected|spell_save_dc} DEX

  --titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(#af70c2, #e0cce6)







  --aoeType|square, float









  --desc|Each object in a 20' cube within 60' is outlined in blue, green, or violet light (your choice). Any creature in the area when the spell is cast is also outlined if it fails a Dexterity saving throw. For the duration, objects and affected creatures shed dim light in a 10' radius. Attack rolls against an affected creature or object have Advantage if the attacker can see it and affected creatures or objects don't benefit from being invisible.

[ ](}}

January 27 (2 weeks ago)

keithcurtis said:

I haven't dived into the macros, since I usually avoid parsing complex macros on the forum for my own sanity, but I don't think OP said anything about the sheet, just Jumpgate and the new rule set. Do these reflect rules changes, or just a shift to the default rolltemplate and the addition of a graphic?

KeithCurtis, macro-lovers like myself could not transfer over our 2014 D&D macros to the new D&D 2024 Jumpgate sheets.  I found that the issue was a lack of two essential character sheet macros on the 2024 version: spell_attack_bonus and spell_save_dc.  Once you add them to a 2024 character sheet the old macros will work, but due to a 2024 character sheet glitch it is easier just to create a default 2014 token with these datasets.  The graphic is just for fun.   

January 27 (2 weeks ago)

Tuo said:

Neither of these macros interact with the character sheet data in any way, so it's hardly surprising that they work regardless of the sheet used.

Tuo, I added more options and a screenshot.

January 27 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 27 (2 weeks ago)

SHATTER (due to a Roll20 2024 system glitch this can only be viewed in the chat from the alternative method I originally posted) 

!smartaoe {{


  --leftsub|Level ?{Cast at what level?|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}

  --rightsub|DC @{selected|spell_save_dc} CON

  --titlecardbackground|linear-gradient(blue, cyan)

  --aoeType|circle, float










  --desc|[ ]( sudden loud ringing noise, painfully intense, erupts from a point of your choice within 60'. Each creature in a 10' radius sphere centered on that point must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature made of inorganic material such as stone, crystal, or metal has Disadvantage on their saving throw. A nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried also takes the damage if it’s in the spell’s area.


January 27 (2 weeks ago)

Mr. DM said:

Tuo said:

Neither of these macros interact with the character sheet data in any way, so it's hardly surprising that they work regardless of the sheet used.

Tuo, I added more options and a screenshot.

I find it a little funny that your method of getting attributes to work with the 2024 sheet is to use the 2014 sheet to house the attributes and abilities, but it's understandable, because the 2024 sheet is a hot mess when it comes to macros and attributes. But Jumpgate, to my knowledge, shouldn't affect macros one way or another, as it concerns the tabletop, not the chat (though I haven't tested jumpgate much aside from with the 2024 sheet).

So, if you're saving the ability on a 2014 sheet, and calling the attributes from a 2014 sheet... how exactly have you converted the macro to the 2024 sheet, rather than just working around it?