Three monthes ago, I proposed a small update on the "Starfinder by Roll20" character sheet via github : https://github.com/Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/pull/13439
The staff explained that the "By Roll20" sheets are yours to update only, since they have your "seal of approval", or something like that, and I totally respect that.
When I submitted this Pull Request, someone from the team replied « I'm making a ticket to add this improvement to the sheet on Roll20's
private repo so the changes you expect will actually show up. Someone
will get to it as soon as they're available! »
Yet, three monthes later, this has not been implemented on the sheet, and I've got no news about why. That's why I'm making this post.
I'm asking this, because it would be very helpful. I often see that my starfinders players are struggling to find states when I ask them to tick a state on their sheet, or having troubles to find a skill, just because they are in a random order.
Could you please have a look after this?