The Aaron (who else!) has a script for that, which I used in the past and slightly modified.
Here's my modified version, which was updated to fix a very small bug (it wasn't handling the ampersand [&] escapes properly):
// Github:
// By: The Aaron, Arcane Scriptomancer
// Contact:
var TableExport = TableExport || (function() {
'use strict';
var version = '0.2.5',
lastUpdate = 1576529132,
tableCache = {},
escapes = {
'[' : '<%%91%%>',
']' : '<%%93%%>',
'--' : '<%%-%%>',
'&' : '<%%amp%%>'
esRE = function (s) {
var escapeForRegexp = /(\\|\/|\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|\?|\+|\*|\||\.|\^|\$)/g;
return s.replace(escapeForRegexp,"\\$1");
ch = function (c) {
var entities = {
'<' : 'lt',
'>' : 'gt',
"'" : '#39',
'@' : '#64',
'*' : 'ast',
'`' : '#96',
'{' : '#123',
'|' : '#124',
'}' : '#125',
'[' : '#91',
']' : '#93',
'"' : 'quot',
'-' : 'mdash',
' ' : 'nbsp',
'&' : 'amp'
if(_.has(entities,c) ){
return ('&'+entities[c]+';');
return '';
checkInstall = function() {
log('-=> TableExport v'+version+' <=- ['+(new Date(lastUpdate*1000))+']');
showHelp = function() {
'/w gm '
+'<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 3px 3px;">'
+'<div style="font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 1px solid black;font-size: 130%;">'
+'TableExport v'+version
+'<div style="padding-left:10px;margin-bottom:3px;">'
+'<p>This script dumps commands to the chat for reconstructing a rollable table on another campaign. While this can be done on your own campaigns via the transmogrifier, this script allows you to pass those commands to a friend and thus share your own creative works with others.<p>'
+'<p><b>Caveat:</b> Avatar images that are not in your own library will be ignored by the API on import, but will not prevent creation of the table and table items.</p>'
+'<div style="padding-left:10px;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">!export-table --'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+' [ --'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+' ...]</span></b>'
+'<div style="padding-left: 10px;padding-right:20px">'
+'<p>For all table names, case is ignored and you may use partial names so long as they are unique. For example, '+ch('"')+'King Maximillian'+ch('"')+' could be called '+ch('"')+'max'+ch('"')+' as long as '+ch('"')+'max'+ch('"')+' does not appear in any other table names. Exception: An exact match will trump a partial match. In the previous example, if a table named '+ch('"')+'Max'+ch('"')+' existed, it would be the only table matched for <b>--max</b>.</p>'
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the name of a table to export. You can specify as many tables as you like in a single command.'
+'</li> '
+'<div style="padding-left:10px;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">!import-table --'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+' --'+ch('<')+'[ show | hide ]'+ch('>')+'</span></b>'
+'<div style="padding-left: 10px;padding-right:20px">'
+'<p>This is the command output by <b>!export-table</b> to create the new table. You likely will not need issue these commands directly.</p>'
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the name of the table to be create.'
+'</li> '
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'[ show | hide ]'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This whether to show the table to players or hide it.'
+'</li> '
+'<div style="padding-left:10px;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">!import-table-item --'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+' --'+ch('<')+'Table Item Name'+ch('>')+' --'+ch('<')+'Weight'+ch('>')+' --'+ch('<')+'Avatar URL'+ch('>')+'</span></b>'
+'<div style="padding-left: 10px;padding-right:20px">'
+'<p>This is the command output by <b>!export-table</b> to create the new table. You likely will not need issue these commands directly.</p>'
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Table Name'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the name of the table to add items to. <b>Note:</b> unlike for <b>!export-table</b>, this must be an exact name match to the created table.'
+'</li> '
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Table Item Name'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the name of the table item to create. <b>Note:</b> Because the string '+ch('"')+' --'+ch('"')+' may occur in a table item name, you may see '+ch('"')+'[TABLEEXPORT:ESCAPE]'+ch('"')+' show up as a replacement in these commands. This value is corrected internally to the correct '+ch('"')+' --'+ch('"')+' sequence on import.'
+'</li> '
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Weight'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the weight for this table item and should be an integer value.'
+'</li> '
+'<li style="border-top: 1px solid #ccc;border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;">'
+'<b><span style="font-family: serif;">--'+ch('<')+'Avatar URL'+ch('>')+'</span></b> '+ch('-')+' This is the URL for the avatar image of the table item.'
+'</li> '
nameEscape = (function(){
var re=new RegExp('(',esRE).join('|')+')','g');
return function(s){
return s.replace(re, function(c){ return escapes[c] || c; });
nameUnescape = (function(){
var sepacse = _.invert(escapes),
re=new RegExp('(',esRE).join('|')+')','g');
return function(s){
return s.replace(re, function(c){ return sepacse[c] || c; });
handleInput = function(msg) {
var args, matches, tables, tableIDs=[], errors=[], items, itemMatches, accum='';
if (msg.type !== "api" || !playerIsGM(msg.playerid)) {
args = msg.content.split(/\s+/);
switch(args[0]) {
case '!import-table':
args = msg.content.split(/\s+--/);
if(args.length === 1) {
if(_.has(tableCache,args[1])) {
sendChat('','/w gm '
+'<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 3px 3px;">'
+'<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#990000;">Warning:</span> '
+'Table ['+args[1]+'] already exists, skipping create.'
} else {
tableIDs=findObjs({type: 'rollabletable', name: args[1]});
if(tableIDs.length) {
sendChat('','/w gm '
+'<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 3px 3px;">'
+'<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#990000;">Warning:</span> '
+'Table ['+args[1]+'] already exists, skipping create.'
} else {
name: args[1],
showplayers: ('show'===args[2])
case '!import-table-item':
args = msg.content.split(/\s+--/);
if(args.length === 1) {
args[2] = nameUnescape(args[2]);
if(!_.has(tableCache,args[1])) {
tableIDs=findObjs({type: 'rollabletable', name: args[1]});
if(!tableIDs.length) {
sendChat('','/w gm '
+'<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 3px 3px;">'
+'<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#990000;">Error:</span> '
+'Table ['+args[1]+'] doesn not exist. Cannot create table item.'
} else {
name: args[2],
rollabletableid: tableCache[args[1]],
weight: parseInt(args[3],10)||1,
avatar: args[4]||''
case '!export-table':
args = msg.content.split(/\s+--/);
if(args.length === 1) {
tables=findObjs({type: 'rollabletable'});
var l=_.filter(tables,function(t){
return t.get('name').toLowerCase() === n.toLowerCase();
return ( 1 === l.length ? l : _.filter(tables,function(t){
return -1 !== t.get('name').toLowerCase().indexOf(n.toLowerCase());
if(1 !== o.length) {
if(o.length) {
errors.push('Rollable Table [<b>'+args[idx+1]+'</b>] is ambiguous and matches '+o.length+' names: <b><i> ',function(e){
return e.get('name');
}).join(', ')+'</i></b>');
} else {
errors.push('Rollable Table [<b>'+args[idx+1]+'</b>] does not match any names.');
if(errors.length) {
sendChat('','/w gm '
+'<div style="border: 1px solid black; background-color: white; padding: 3px 3px;">'
+'<div><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#990000;">Error:</span> '
+errors.join('</div><div><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#990000;">Error:</span> ')
if( ! errors.length) {
return t;
items=findObjs({type: 'tableitem'});
return _.contains(tableIDs,i.get('rollabletableid'));
if(!_.has(memo,e.get('rollabletableid'))) {
} else {
return memo;
_.each(matches, function(t){
accum+='!import-table --'+nameEscape(t.get('name'))+' --'+(t.get('showplayers') ? 'show' : 'hide')+'<br>';
_.each(itemMatches[], function(i){
accum+='!import-table-item --'+nameEscape(t.get('name'))+' --'+nameEscape(i.get('name'))+' --'+i.get('weight')+' --'+i.get('avatar')+'<br>';
sendChat('', '/w gm '+accum);
handleRemoveTable = function(obj){
tableCache = _.without(tableCache,;
registerEventHandlers = function() {
on('chat:message', handleInput);
on('destroy:rollabletable', handleRemoveTable);
return {
CheckInstall: checkInstall,
RegisterEventHandlers: registerEventHandlers
'use strict';
if you want the original, I got it from the Roll20 github, here:
This allows you to export and import tables!