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help! chat menu for players pathfinder 1e

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 28 (2 weeks ago)

I would like to make a Chat menu to i can pull up spells skills saves and attacks i am not a big coder and i cant make heads or tails of the wiki on how i would go about doing this i know there are api scripts that do this but i am a player in the games id like to use this in and the GM doesn't use api  but i read you can make chat menus with out the use of api and that everyone could do it is there anyone who can help me make these for the pathfinder by roll 20 sheet or does anyone out there already have something made that i can use cause i couldn't find anything online
please and thank you 

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Sure, I can help - the simplest form is to have abilities saved on a sheet, and refer to them with [label](~ability-name) button saved as an ability on the same sheet. There's a lot more you can do, too, so please, elaborate on what you want it to do.

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Edited January 28 (2 weeks ago)

so i would like to make 4/5 different menus
one which will populate with all the attack actions of a character  
one which will populate with all the saves the character can make

another with all their skills 

and another with all there spells 

also feats  while we are at it 

very similar to the ones you can do with Universal chatmenu but a less api dependent version  
something like the attached images 

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Which specific PF1e sheet are you using?

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Pathfinder by roll 20 

January 28 (2 weeks ago)

Alright, here's one for attacks (currently set up for up to 5 attacks listed, but you can expand it by just copying rows and incrementing the $ numbers)

/w "@{character_name}" &{template:default} {{name=@{character_name}/Attacks
[ ](#" hidden null=)}} {{[](#" hidden)=
}} {{[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$0_atkname}](#" hidden)=[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$0_atkname}](~repeating_attacks_$0_attack1)
}} {{[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$1_atkname}](#" hidden)=[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$1_atkname}](~repeating_attacks_$1_attack1)
}} {{[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$2_atkname}](#" hidden)=[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$2_atkname}](~repeating_attacks_$2_attack1)
}} {{[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$3_atkname}](#" hidden)=[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$3_atkname}](~repeating_attacks_$3_attack1)
}} {{[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$4_atkname}](#" hidden)=[@{prefix}@{character_name}|repeating_attacks_$4_atkname}](~repeating_attacks_$4_attack1)
}} {{[](#" hidden)=[ ](#" hidden null=)}} &{noerror}

You could potentially add more data to the list, but this is the basic format, using the name call to list the existing attacks (as long as you don't have multiple attacks with the same name). You will need to add a prefix attribute of @{ to the sheet though, to get around a bug between shorthand calls and &{noerror}.

I'm not very familiar with this particular sheet, but it is very well documented on the wiki, so following similar pattern for the rest shouldn't be too difficult.

January 29 (2 weeks ago)
Sheet Author
API Scripter

I humbly suggest looking up universal chat menus (UCM) since you're a Pro user - I know it has been used by pathfinder players. The first post with code does have the most recent code. There's probably someone in that thread with a PF solution, but its meant to be system-agnostic.

January 29 (2 weeks ago)
I am But this is for games in which i am a player and the GM does not use API scripts and using the in built in chat menus would just make my life easier for the lack of those comfort api scripts i use in my own games 
January 29 (2 weeks ago)

Question Maybe its right in front of me maybe im in over my head more then i should be but what exactly do you me by add @{ to the character sheet am i to edit the sheets inner workings or do you believe there is a space on the sheet in which i am able to add it into to make the script run im probaly asking stupid questions and im looking over the wiki but i dont know what i should be look for 

January 29 (2 weeks ago)

In the attributes and abilities tab, where you would save the macro itself as an ability (as it's more convenient for several reasons than saving macros in collections), simply click the "+ add" button where pictured, and enter "prefix" as the name and @{ as the current value, as pictured:

February 01 (1 week ago)

WOW I didnt know that was a thing thank you so much