I am using the Official Savage Worlds by Pinnacle character sheet. The only macros I have enabled are Deal-Init and SavageWorldsStatusChanger. When I share a character sheet with my players, so that they can play a character as an extra, as soon as the player opens the character sheet, any option that is something I could drag-and-drop from the Compendium duplicates. It duplicates again if another player opens it. So for example, if I give my players a team of soldiers to control and I want to share the same sheet with them all to use, then it duplicates the soldier sheets armor, weapons, Edges, and Powers (if the sheet has any) for each player! So in a five player game with me as GM, the soldier sheet ends up having six suits of equipped armor and six copies of every weapon, etc. We can go in and manually delete the armor, weapons, etc. but it is distracting and makes the sheet cumbersome to look at if we don't. It also equips all suits of armor if the sheet had them equipped to begin with which leads to inaccuracies in the character's Toughness and Armor ratings. Is there a way to keep this from happening?