Hello there! I've had a lot of help here before in getting some things fixed up for the ASOIAF Character Sheet and I hope you can help again. There are just a few minor changes that will drastically improve quality of life on this sheet and I've arranged them and added priorities to them to help our understanding. This is for the ASOIAF sheet by Alex O. I've contacted Alex directly before, but coming here got me the help I needed in fixing it. 1st Priority: Increasing the size of the text boxes for qualities and drawbacks. These are looked and and referenced constantly by Narrator and Players, here is an example of the short description of one of the qualities and the box it is supposed to fit in. While it does fit, it's extremely difficult to read and expanding the box to something with multiple lines would be fantastic. I'm not worried about crowding the page vertically, this is the key feature of the page and won't affect people's opinion of it. 2nd Priority Swapping the names on these two categories in Destiny Points. All of the math works correctly, but it reads Maximum when it should read available. Maximum should be at the top and just be an entered quality that the players set at character creation and not affected by anything below. Just swapping the names will make it function correctly. 3rd Priority Getting the armies page to work. I and my players have resorted to just using another Character Sheet for each army, but it would be nice if this page worked. So far everything seems fine, but the Abilities are not roll-able and I can't figure out how to get them to not be greyed out. It would also be extremely useful to have the option to 'Add' another army entry and also have each one be collapsible. If this is too much trouble or not feasible I won't care at all, but I thought I'd bring it up since it's a not working part of the sheet and could be very useful for players. Thank you to anyone who reads through this and takes the time to hear me out. I know this is a very niche system and not a lot of people play it, but there is a small and dedicated community that really enjoys the aspects of Intrigue, Warfare, Combat and the setting that this system provides. Once again, thank you from all of us, Candle