Effective today, an update has been made to the Advanced Transform options available in the Right-Click Context Menu of all Jumpgate games to provide users with additional flexibility over graphic elements in their campaigns (tokens, cards, maps, etc.). Users now have the option to independently Disable Grid Snapping and Disable Token Menus , properties coupled into a single “ Is Drawing ” setting previously. Both options will automatically apply to all tokens that had the “Is Drawing” setting enabled prior to this change, and therefore no action is necessary to maintain existing game settings. This is useful not only for precise placement but also for customizing the appearance of in-game elements. For example: Disabling Token Menus hides the radial menus unused on non-character tokens. Mod Script Notes: The update has been incorporated into the Default and Experimental Mod (API) Servers . For Mod Scripts, refer to disableSnapping and disableTokenMenu on Jumpgate and/or Legacy games. In Legacy games, these properties are simply aliases for isdrawing and will set isdrawing to whatever you set either of them to. This will allow scripts to work seamlessly on both games without needing extra detection logic. Note: if your script sets both properties to different values, only the last property set will update isdrawing . Be sure to set the most important property last. When getting disableSnapping and disableTokenMenu on a Legacy game, the value of isdrawing will be returned.