The world hasn't felt right in years. Little by little, the jungles, the forests, and the mountains begin to lay silent. One night you have a vivid dream, almost real. Lightning strikes around you. The shadow of some gargantuan creature reaches out to you; sparking something within you. A vision comes to you of a woman with glowing eyes; five people grabbing rings off of a table; and last, gargantuan elementals fighting on planes of storm and stone and fire. You awake in your bed on a normal morning. With the vision of a tavern imprinted in your mind. It feels almost like a calling. Do you answer it? When: Saturday's Weekly from 2:00PM EST to a max of 6:00PM The DM: Hey guys! I'm Steven, and I've been Dungeon Mastering games in my homebrew world of Allyria for over 14 years now. I love a good story-driven arc, but when characters want to start their own thing, I'm always down with having their actions affect and change the world! My players follow 5e rules, but I deeply encourage creativity, roleplay, and out of the box thinking. How to prepare Microphone needed. Free account needed on Discord and Roll20. What I provide Custom world maps, roll20 dynamic effects and battle maps, discord server dedicated to tracking information from the campaign to be readily available to players, mild character voices. My goal is for everyone to have fun each session. Gameplay details How to prepare: Players should have their own character sheet or software that they can use to keep track of said character, as well as dice and potentially a notebook. Access to Discord and Roll20 are a must, though free accounts will work just fine. What I provide: I possess a paid Roll20 account and as such will use it to run the game while using Discord for video or audio. Additionally, I do keep track of player information for my own use when creating encounters. How will character creation work: Character creation will be set up via the campaigns discord and will be free for the potential players. Player need to manage their own PC sheets and keep track of their own abilities, though the shared discord server was created to help with that. Using roll20 for your character sheet will make battles the easiest for you, but is not required. Hope to see some new potential players! -Steven This game will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $10 to be filled with a description of your method, amount, and frequency of payment per session. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.