Hello, I'm new to Roll20 API scripts and mods, and am trying to learn while getting my hands dirty with SmartAoE. While looking up some most-recommended scripts, I saw SmartAoE and was intrigued. I installed the script and went to the wiki page so that I could learn how to properly utilize it. I saw there were several pre-built macros, and I figured why not start there and try to learn by seeing it in action and toying around with it? I copied the Burning Hands code and created a macro. When I attempt to test it however, I am met with the following error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'spell_save_dc') So if I'm understanding this correctly (and sorry if I'm not, I really am not much of a code guy), the error is saying that "spell_save_dc" is undefined, and therefore it can't tell me what the Burning Hands DC is. (My guess is that this is because the way 5e spells and 5e2024 spells define their properties is different, but I could be way off base.) Can anyone help me understand what's going wrong and how I can find properties in the future so that if this pops up again I know where to look to solve my issue?