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A Tale of Terror in the Land of the Mists: Ravenloft 5E

October 06 (10 years ago)

I will be starting a Ravenloft 5E campaign next Sunday, OCT 12th at 6:30 PM CST, 4:30 PM west coast, 7:30 PM east coast....

This event will provide a very well balanced Role Play/Exploration/Combat atmosphere, there are few restrictions that may not appeal to everyone, but for those who enjoy horror theme this might just be a good fit for you, and any of you old timers (of which I am myself) who remember Ravenloft you might find the nostalgic experience worth while....

What are the restrictions, it is an All Human campaign and No Evil Alignments, player's backgrounds should reflect some secret flaw that they must atone for....

There are no firearms, players will arrive with nothing but a certain amount of gold (noted in Game)....

All Players will use the following array to create their Character and then apply the Human characteristic of +1 to each ability score or +1 to two ability scores and one additional feat.... The Array is 16, 15, 14, 12, 10, 8 Level 1, Maximum Hit Points....

Some kind of background including the Personality Trait, Ideal, Bond, and Flaw (as mentioned above)...

There will be 6 spots for the Players, interested folks should post a brief character blurb here.... Example: I was a small town executioner and hung an innocent person.

I use fully scripted macros provided on an easy to use token set up...

Again if you are interested in Playing in this Type of Campaign post something here....

Please do not inquire about changing the conditions, thank you...
October 06 (10 years ago)
A few things, what timeline are we talking here and what domain? Will a type of evil being play a large role such as vampires or werewolves?
October 06 (10 years ago)
Simply won't apply here...
October 06 (10 years ago)
Is this a going to be weekly or what?
October 06 (10 years ago)
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
I'm very interested in this. Where would you like the character sheets and tokens sent to?
October 06 (10 years ago)
Ooh, very interesting. How's this?

A pious cleric distances himself from his past of performing ritual sacrifices for a death cult.
October 06 (10 years ago)
This campaign will be run on most Sunday Nights at 6:30 PM CST...

If you are interested PM for a link that will get you into the game where I will assign you a sheet to fill out and attach a token to the sheet.
October 06 (10 years ago)
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
I let my greed overcome my duty as a husband. They killed her because of me, and now I'm fleeing their wrath.
October 06 (10 years ago)
Sharpe and Simon: those are perfect examples...

I will send you both links to the campaign and once you log in I will assign the Simple Character Sheet to fill out. After that point you can log in anytime to work on the sheet. The Character Sheets already have many of the macros needed for 5E play and the campaign uses Power Cards and Alter Scripts...
October 06 (10 years ago)
October 06 (10 years ago)

Ajax said:

Simply won't apply here...

So you are not running the RL setting? ah are you doing the old 1e mod?
October 07 (10 years ago)
October 07 (10 years ago)
B Simon Smith
Marketplace Creator
I'm really looking forward to this game. I may have to watch Bram Stokers Dracula tonight to get into a mood to write the character's background.
I can't believe that I just stood there and watched them kill him. I should have said something and now his blood is on my hands.
October 07 (10 years ago)
I'm certainly interested, especially if there's a pretty decent roleplaying aspect to it.
October 07 (10 years ago)
Peter O, Please post a Character Blurb
October 07 (10 years ago)
A warrior of the faith burying herself in drink, hoping that maybe she could be alone and not surrounded by the weight of past mistakes, or the faces of people she failed.
October 07 (10 years ago)
October 07 (10 years ago)
A healer with a desire for knowledge, whose research went a bit too far.
Is the time stated firm?
October 07 (10 years ago)
I have been looking for a Ravenloft game for a looooong time....especially for 5th. edition, which is my fave edition of the game EVER. Are you indeed playing in the actual Ravenloft demi-plane or some Ravenloft inspired setting? I'd prefer Ravenloft itself.

Do you have room for any more players? I and a friend or two might be interested. We play in 2 other D&D 5 campaigns and are very experienced.
October 07 (10 years ago)
Tex time is firm....
October 07 (10 years ago)
kk, just wanting to check
October 08 (10 years ago)
October 08 (10 years ago)
Looking for one more Player, if interested post a One Line Character Blurb, like the ones left by the other potential players, thank you....
October 09 (10 years ago)
October 09 (10 years ago)
Soothed by my music that hummed throughout the inn, the filthy criminal doesn't even know the poisoned ale he drank will be the last one he shall enjoy.
October 09 (10 years ago)
We've just had a drop out so we can still get another player to bring the total to 6...
Post a character blurb if interested, and you've got the nerve....
October 09 (10 years ago)
Lazlo Stoddard:
Human Male Rogue
Str: 10, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 16
Used standard point buy with human alternate: +1 to 2 abilities, feat. Etc.
Human Feat: Actor (grants +1 to charisma, etc.)

Languages: Common, Goblin

Expertise: Deception, Persuasion
Background "Folk Hero."

Defining Event: "I Stood alone against a terrible monster."

Personality: I misuse long words in an atempt to sound smarter and more important.

Ideals: There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not."

Bonds: I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny.

Flaws: The people who knew me when I was young know my shameful secret, so I can never go home again.

Trinket: A small cloth doll skewered with needles.

Lazlo Stoddard is widely regarded as a local hero. He is also, a pathological liar and a coward.

Key words in his defining event, "I stood 'alone' against a terrible monster." "Stood alone." Lazlo concocted a tale where he bested a witch in mortal combat and his proof is the doll skewered by needles he found one day while climbing up a tree to peep through the window of a woman's bedroom. He fell out of the tree and found the doll in bushes.

He always talks about his childhood sweetheart back in another village he allegedly lived in. How she's a beautiful maiden, but he couldn't afford to bring her here to town; and a million other excuses. No such childhood sweetheart exists.

He constantly cites various cliches' of, "be yourself, stand up for what you believe in, etc." But he is a coward and hypocritisizer.

He would never dream of fighting anyone or anything one on one. He would only fight a foe if he had an ally with him; and even then, would try to stab the foe in the back. (Storyline for rogue sneak attack function).

Flaws: Lazlo is the kind of schmuck that everyone wants to see dead; yet he's the weasel that lucks out at every turn. He's not evil at heart, just weak willed (8 wisdom with point buy) He probably would sell out his own grandmother if it meant he lived another minute longer. haha.

I actually just played this character in a one-shot 5e horror game and everyone loved him. :)

I would love to be able to play him in a ravenloft game. <3 ravenloft!
October 09 (10 years ago)
just noticed the array you listed is a little higher than standard, so probably would need to raise one of the scores, but would keep wisdom at 8, because that's hella fun to play! :D
October 09 (10 years ago)
I have sent you a PM...

Might have room for one more...

October 09 (10 years ago)

Edited October 10 (10 years ago)
A Warlock who made a pact with a foul archdevil for power and paid the price for this infernal pact with the life of his beloved bethrothed. As a result, he has flown into a fit of rage at the terrible price he had to pay for power that was unbeknownst to him. With nothing left to live for and no hope at redemption he enters the mists of the demi plane of Ravenloft still trying to find redemption within his own mind. A task he knows he will likely never accomplish.
October 12 (10 years ago)
We lost one player so we have room for one more Player....

October 12 (10 years ago)