My players made me realized that only the Game Master could leave helpful notes on tokens, but the players can't leave any kind of notes on their specific tokens, only in the character sheet. Having the same "notes" space as the gm exclusive ones would be really convenient for a lot of little uses, like counting ammunition, kill counts, status effects, or just some plain notes they want to remember for the next game. It does not need to be fancy or anything, just a good old, but useful blank space that you could fill! For my account I have a lot of things for my players to take note in the middle of battle: kill counts, damage taken and given, number of cash/treasure found, etc. In my game there is a competitive aspect that rewards the more proficient players at the end of every fight, as well as vote for the most "badass" of them, rewarding them with additional exp or other goodies, so keeping track of all this needs to be quick and as efficient as possible.