Hello Roll20! This is BlattMiester, one of your many loyal supporters. Before I start heaping on the praise and singing the ballads of your collective awesomeness, a little business first. As a supporter I enjoy a feast of options and extra content to my delight, but now and again there can be issues. The one that I speak of occurs when I try to import my characters to my fancy Vault. I can select and import from all my campaigns but one, where the error message comes up (shown in imported picture below) when I try. The error message claims that the servers are down or not responding, but we know that's preposterous, but this happens every time I select it and it is perplexing. It might be due to the size of the content in that campaign, since I have a lot of character bios/maps/token imports/handouts and what not, but I am just guessing. I have followed most of the recommended quick fixes on the "Read First" post and have followed them all except for the command prompt instructions. Just wanted to lets you know whats going on so you are aware. Thanks and I await your response! BEHOLD! THY MONSTROUSLY FOUL VILLAINOUS EVIL TYRANT THAT DENIES ME AND MY FELLOWS IN OUR QUEST FOR EXPEDIENT ADVENTURE! HELP ME SLAY THIS HIDEOUS CREATURE WITH YOUR ADVANCED ARCANE COMPUTER MAGICKS! (Beware! Rated at DC 25+) ~ BlattMiester