So here's what's going on: I have a Rise of the Runelords game that has been running for about 13 sessions as of now. The group is currently in a position that isn't quite optimal, but is in the process of losing players. So we're going to be looking for at least one, possibly two players to fill those spots. WHAT: Rise of the Runelords, not far from the end of the first Book. This unfortunately means that players coming in won't have a great grasp of a lot of the plot details, though I'll work with the recruited person to build a character that can work meaningfully within the game. Prospective players should be solid roleplayers willing to interact in-character with players and NPCs to seek out both quests and other things to do within the world. Experienced players with a solid background in the system are requested. Character rules: -Level 3 -20 point buy -Core races -Most any classes availible, save Gunslinger and a few others that don't fit themativally. WHEN: Fridays, weekly, 10PM EST/7PM PST. HOW: This game is run via Skype voice, so a microphone is required. No webcam or anything else needed. NOTES: Shoot me a PM with your Skype details as well as a short summary of experience and what you're looking for in a game and we'll talk about getting whoever is selected prepped to either sit in or be ready to play by next Friday.