It would be nice to have a feature that allows you to check off games and hide them so you don't see them every time you look on your LFG page. For the more popular games, there is usually a page or more of games that are either not games at all, uninteresting to me, or full. I find this is mostly a problem with groups that don't turn their LFG page off. For example, on the Pathfinder page, there are around 15 games which are full, yet are still on the page in various locations. There are also 4 games which are permanently open on purpose, and two games which are not games. So please, can we have some way to check off games we don't want to see every time we look at the LFG page? Speaking as a web developer, it should be a fairly easy feature to implement. All your games have unique IDs, so just add a button that adds that unique ID to a list placed inside each user's profile. Whenever the LFG function runs, it omits any games with that unique ID. Should be pretty easy. I think ><.