Next to the archive button, have an export and an import button. Export would simply save the character in XML format. Import would, of course, simply create a character in the journal and populate it based on the data. This would be useful in several ways. For instance 3rd party sites (like the pathfinder npc database at pathfindercommunity.net) could store NPC information this way and greatly speed up the campaign setup process for GM's. The Roll20 store could even carry sets of them. It would empower GM's. And technically, there is no reason that this should be limited to characters. Roll20 must store map and handout information in a similar way. Archiving is fine, but apparently it slows down the loading process of a campaign. This would allow GM's to store them locally. Example: <character> <name>Malachi</name> <injournals></injournals> <editcontrolled></editcontrolled> <tags>archenemy,npc,human,cleric</tags> <bioinfo> Lots of bio info entered here... </bioinfo> <gminfo> Lots of gm info entered here... </gminfo> ... more tags including attributes and abilities </character> Note, there is another suggestion that mentions exporting, but I think that the main idea for that one was for printing character sheets: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1242365/print-or" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/1242365/print-or</a>...