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Dark Heresy 2 Character sheet broken.

Hi, not sure if this is the correct place to post this or how to contact the developer of the Dark Heresy 2 character sheet. Between last week's session and this week's session the skill rolls no longer work. Before they would do a roll automatically but now when we click to roll a skill it only shows the target number and we still have to manually do "/roll d100". How do I go about getting this fixed or contacting the developer of the character sheet?

Edited 1414479855
Sheet Author
API Scripter
There is a pull request in for DH2 titled "Mistake fixed" with the comment "There was an issue with the skill rolls. Should work as intended now.", which appears to be changing the macro button for each skill. I suspect the sheet author is already aware of the problem you're referring to and has submitted a solution.
I dont know what a "pull request" is. Is posting here the correct place to report issues with a character sheet or is there some other place to submit bugs? How long does it take for the submitted solution to make it's way to campagins that are using the character sheet?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pull requests are how character sheet authors submit changes (or new entirely new sheets), which have to be manually approved. This forum is the correct place to report bugs about character sheets. The intended timeframe for merging pull requests is handling all outstanding requests once a week, but that scheme has proven more burdensome for Riley than initially expected, leading to longer delays. Additionally, Roll20 is in the middle of a hiring process; this could lead to a faster response time in the future, but it's likely slowing things down in the present. The pull request to fix the bug on the DH2 sheet was submitted 6 days ago, but there is an outstanding pull request for the D&D 5e sheet dated 25 days ago. You can see all pull requests on the official GitHub repo .