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Simple and fun (Board, card or other)

So, next week the IT department where I work is having it's bi-annual "Face to Face" meetings ( We're a really spread out group ) I'm trying to think of goofy, fun, short and simple games for us to play in the evening after the meetings are done, when everyone wants to unwind, shoot the breeze, and have a beer or two. Last year, I had quite a bit of success with a set of Zombie Dice ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) and this year I'll be adding Cthulu Dice to the sack. Not to be on a total Steve Jackson kick, but I'm also REALLY interested in Munchkin, and was thinking about picking up a deck. Does anyone have any suggestions for board or card games that are fun and easy to learn & play? And before you ask, Settlers & Risk are on the opposite end of the duration/complexity scale ;) Thanks!
Munchkin is extremely fun to play. All the decks are compatable, so pick a genre that they will enjoy. I prefer to mix decks that are similar. ie Munchkin Apocolypse and Munchkin Zombies.
Pretty much anything Steve Jackson. Apples to Apples is fun if you play with the notion of "Make me laugh the hardest." I always get a kick of "Dainty: CHARGING RHINOS!!"
Pretty much anything Steve Jackson. Apples to Apples is fun if you play with the notion of "Make me laugh the hardest." I always get a kick of "Dainty: CHARGING RHINOS!!" I think Apples to Apples is great because you are trying to judge the judge. My wife once put Perfect .... Doughnut knowing my love for doughnuts and there is no way she wasn't winning that round.