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LFG for New World of Darkness

Hello everyone, I am a looking for a new World of Darkness game that welcomes new players as I have never played but am very interested in the system. I have read the nWoD corebook along with several supplement books, Werewolf: the Forsaken, Mage: the Awakening, Changeling: the Lost, and Geist: the Sin Eaters . I am available during the evening. My timezone is UTC-8/7.
I second this request. I have a lot of werewolf books and I think the hunter book. but any nWoD is good. I am also in this time zone.
I would be up for a werewolf game. How is Hunter?
I am reading through Hunter the Vigil at the moment if someone would like to run a Hunter game.
I have a vanilla nWoD campaign I wrote up for a zombie apocalypse to play with my family on the weekend. I copied the campaign for possible one shots during the week with pregen characters and about 30+ unique zombies stat'd out ... We could try to schedule something ...
Hunter is interesting... 
Well thank you. Hunter does seem to be a very interesting game to play. At least this if from what I have read and the podcasts that I have listened to. 
NWoD is my favorite game of all times. Never had the chance to play hunter though. Depending game time and the different time zones(I am GMT+1) I am very very very interested. I am a 35 year old Norwegian guy. Played tabletop rpg's a long time but new to roll20. Also zombie breakout is allways interesting .-) Then again so is Vampire or etc etc...
I haven't ever played any NWoD but would love to get a chance to have a look, any chance I could watch or something to get a little look in at what it's like? 
I have a quick question, are Werewolves balanced in NWOD? In classic they were extremely overpowered. I'm trying to make a game were the anarchs have employed the best people for the task of going to new york city and eliminating or displacing key vampires, and I want the option of player characters being able to be werewolves in this squad alongside the vamps if they want to.
I have only played a tiny bit with Werewolves but it seemed pretty much balanced yeah. I know in OWoD werewolves were killing machines deluxe. Far less so in NWoD. Same with vampires actually. Since NWoD dont allow characters(mortals and especially supernaturals who can buff their stamina) to throw a roll for soaking damage all supernaturals are a lot more fragile and skilled, or very clever, mortals can be a very good threat. Also if the GM needs to show the players consequenses of breaking masquerade/being stupid he could allways send a group of experienced SWAT. Not fun fighting against a trained and well equipped SWAT team no matter what supernatural you are. Also IF the players do manage that SWAT team that only means they might be terrorists and FBI/Military might get involved. Then it all goes downhill very fast....
I might be up for something, (my fav is mage and changeling)
I think that anything can be unbalanced, or at least made so. As to the inherent balance (I am biased) I think they are pretty balanced, I mean a group of what could be deemed as first level (starting) characters took down a experienced werewolf with several fishing nets, a tranq gun, and... well... a, umm... a newly shifting werewolf who happened to be a player... That said I would love to try and play a tree hugging furry again (If you don't know then take a look at the werewolf:the forsaken stuff, If you know, well... you know...)
I'm new in this stuff of roleplaying. I become interested in it few weaks ago, so dont know much. I am currently waiting for a game be launched and if it does not, i would like to play in any of the settings of WOD. Werewolfs sounds very interesting but so does Vampire: The Masquerade. I can play everyday from 00:00AM to 11:00AM UTC/GMT -3
Hey, I just bought most of the Werewolf books, the Vampire books and Geist... so if this happens I'd LOVE to join in and if I can read through these books in a timely fashion I could be your GM... LOVE me some horror!
I've been wanting to play in a roll20 group, and have always wanted to play one of the World of Darkness games, but I don't own the books and just have a basic understanding of the mechanics. So if anyone needs an extra player and isn't averse to helping them a little, then I'm up for anything. I'm in U.S. PST and am available most weekdays after 5:00 P.M. and all day on the weekend. I have experience in Pathfinder and a juryrigged star wars universe pathfinder game which we actually met in person so I only know the basics of roll20.v Thanks
Are you guys possibly up for starting off in a strict mortal WoD setting first?  Evolution to Vampire/Werewolf/Mage could come sooner or later based on each player's desire and story evolution. I'm looking to GM a WoD game (would be my first time GM'ing WoD, but i've been GM'ing dnd et. al for 10+ years on and off). I have a special first interest in ghosts :) Please let me know what you think.
So a WoD Gm finally appears \o/. I was starting to think this was going to be those topics where all the players were going to join up and wait for a GM that would never come T_T. But fortunately it isnt. I have some basic understanding of the game from what i have read in the books but i am still completly new to nWoD. And i dont think anyone here would have a problem with a mortal setting, not like we have any other game of WoD to go to :p. Just post your time zone next time, just so we know
Blake the Lake said: Are you guys possibly up for starting off in a strict mortal WoD setting first?  Evolution to Vampire/Werewolf/Mage could come sooner or later based on each player's desire and story evolution. I'm looking to GM a WoD game (would be my first time GM'ing WoD, but i've been GM'ing dnd et. al for 10+ years on and off). I have a special first interest in ghosts :) Please let me know what you think. When can you host a game? Also what time zone are you in?
I'd be interested Blake depending on when you have availibility ...
Yeah I'm good with anything.
I would love to join as well, thanks for offering to GM!
How do I sign up and what help do you need?
I'm not interested in joining the game, but if you want any help producing handouts, textures or just need a sounding board feel free to give me a poke. :)
Hiya, I'm not sure if this is still going on but I'd love to join? My schedule's a little crazy but I could probably work around it?
If this is still a thing, I'm in.