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Unable to load campaign!

I have spent some days looking in to roll20 and found it would be suitable for running my campaign. I've worked with it and everything was fine. Even did a testrun with one player yesterday. Today when I was going to run my game, the campaign won't load. I've not changed anything (well, but added tokens and pages to may campaign, but not anything on the computer) since yesterday. Please tell me what to do! /Johanna
Hi Johanna It looks like the database server is having issues on their end. We're working with them to get things back up. Sorry about this!
I have the same issue please Mods make some suggestions to solve the issue
Hi Ken, a lot of geeks in here. "database server is having issues" is a bit too vague.
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
This issue should be resolved. Sorry for the trouble!
I like turtles
Riley Can we have a time estimate of some kind, many players seem to be having this issue and i have been unable to access my campaign for over two weeks now Thanks
Sam, please go to <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> and share the information from that site. Also if you could PM me your campaign link I can share it with the devs and get you more information.
I am also having this issue. It started last night. The client just gets stuck on the "Loading..." screen and never loads the campaign. I am running Google Chrome on Windows 7.
Michael -- Are you running any Chrome extensions? Can you try in Firefox and see if you have the same issues? Thanks!
I'm just running adblock. The same thing happens on a clean install of Firefox.
I also figured out that the problem is with only one of my two campaigns and if I try to make a copy of the campaign, the copy is completely blank as if there was nothing in the malfunctioning campaign.
As far as I can tell, the issue with campaigns is due to the way they're loaded. I notice that campaigns are loading the entire chat history every time, and for every player. For games that are run in chat as text this can quickly make the game unloadable (especially if people use it as a chat room outside of game time!). There is no reason for the campaign to load the entire chat history each time they are loaded - especially as the players cannot even access the history without using a link and opening another page (which then has to load the entire history again). Oh, and even if they do load another page to access the full chat history, then this is also very slow to load due to the way the page is constructed. There is significant room for optimization of the way the chat data is handled in the web pages - and there is certainly almost no reason why any page should load the entire chat history of the campaign when loaded. Even a complete chat history link should be split over several pages (or dynamically loaded as the user scrolls to the end of the page). Of course in this case a search functionality would be nice to get to the right page...but I digress. Please fix this - it's making Roll20 unusable for chat-based games! Thanks, -- Pete.