The blackfish lands heavily, half of its brake flaps are destroyed and most of its computer systems are not responding, and Leslie was characteristically refusing to respond after Jaina had inadvertently mentioned how much she missed her old ship. Landing on the dark side of Cadinth had been part through necessity and part thought out. The best bet for us right now is to be somewhere where Humans are not free to do as they please. Here K could move freely, get some repairs organised on the ship and arrange some interviews. Their pursuers would not dare chance coming for them here, not if it came down to their word against K with the authorities.
"Statement: I will be back shortly, you are to remain on the ship, meatbag."
Jaina grinned at him as he turned to leave. She found what she needed and began some patchy repairs on the main engine. The more she behaved like a slave, the better for her.
"Statement: I will be back shortly, you are to remain on the ship, meatbag."
Jaina grinned at him as he turned to leave. She found what she needed and began some patchy repairs on the main engine. The more she behaved like a slave, the better for her.