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Cyberpunk 2020 in Roll20

Hearing news of Cyberpunk 2077 about a year ago, I got excited about it and picked the old 2020 game back up. I got invited to this site from friend across the country, and it's pretty great for other RPG's. I would love to try an organize an online group for 2020, but it doesn't seem like it has much support. Does anyone run the game currently, and do you have any tips? the Attributes/Abilities system Is pretty useful, but I can't seem to figure out how to automate hit locations or the wound system. My Dreamweaver skills are pretty rusty, but I could try and whip up a character sheet! Also, the dudes are Project Red/ R. Talsorian have been dropping some rumors that there will be a companion table top version of 2077 in 2015, So it would be cool to get a jump on system integration in Roll20.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Hello Hal. Normally this post would be consider off topic but you did specify wanting tips and inquiring about other users of the system on roll20. To find other cyberpunk 2020 users, you should post an [Interest check] in the Looking for Group forums and maybe try the Looking for group search engine (blue banner above to the right side of it). To use the hit locations, I would recommend creating a hit location rollable table: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... The rest of the topic should be posted in a general or specific game forum that supports that system like reddit <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
oh while there is no cyberpunk sheet made, you could put in a request for one in the sheet forums.
I've got a Cyberpunk 2020 game running right now. I didn't use a character sheet (since there isn't one), just made a template PC sheet with all the attributes and skill names as attributes, and then made character macros for the skills as abilities. I used the Bio and Info tab as the "character sheet," but all of the nuts and bolts goes on on the Attributes and Abilities tab. I made a rollable table for hit location (which I've customized a bit for my game to give more weight to torso hits), and a macro which pulls the character's weapon damage and name from the sheet, and then rolls damage and location with one click. The wound system is pretty difficult to fit into the roll 20 interface. I gave each character 12 points of damage as an attribute - this gets a character to 0 points when they would be hitting the Mortal Wounds level. We will still have to remember to make save checks after each 4 points of damage, but the Wound bar shows how close you're getting to Mortal. I also made a bar for Luck, because you can spend luck points to alter die rolls over the course of the session. I've worked through a bunch of macro issues, so if you want some more specifics, just PM me.
@Pat - there is already a request for a sheet, but none has yet been made that I'm aware of <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... and here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Tony R.
Sheet Author
Hi, Hal! I actually just started working on a Second Edition Cyberpunk 2020 character sheet for my group last night! I am learning HTML as I work on it, so I don't know how long until it will be ready, or how how pretty it will look when I finish it. I will let you know if/when I finish it, however.
Let me know too, please!
Thanks for all the tips! I'll be looking into the rolled tables for sure, and seeing if there are any better ways to implement the wound system. I'm sure there should be a way to decrease stats based on a range of numbers in an attribute, but i'm sure that's the least of the issues. @Gozer - I might be PMing you in the next few weeks after tinkering around a bit myself! Thanks @Tony - feel free to let us know if you would like any help! I'm sure the community could figure up something to make this game more aproachable.
Hal, no problem. Glad to help.
Tony R.
Sheet Author
I have almost finished the character sheet. I am in the process of trying to figure out how Git Hub works so that I can upload it. Here is a picture of how its looking. The damage tracking is very cumbersome, and in order to get it to auto-calculate your saves, you will have to click buttons right under the words. Also, when your character reaches seriously wounded, you will have to click the radio button on the right, directly under the checkbox for serious wounds. Once he is no longer seriously wounded, you would click the radio button on the left. (This would apply the -2 to Reflex). Other than that, I think I have things working for the most part. The Skills tab looks something like this , and the Bio+Info tab looks like this . I hope to have this uploaded as soon as possible.
Hi Tony! I just wanted to make sure you had the link for our GitHub and that you knew the instructions for uploading are at the bottom of the page! Let us know if you have any questions! Great work on the sheet, looking forward to seeing it on Roll20.
Nice work! Hoping to see that available soon!
That looks great! I'm excited
Tony R.
Sheet Author
Thanks, everyone. It has been submitted, and is pending approval. If you are a mentor, you can use it already by copying the HTML and CCS from here and pasting them under the "Custom" character sheet. Let me know if something doesn't work, or if you want me to add something to it.
I love Cyberpunk 2020 and I'm starting a game up for the first time with my gaming group soon :)