It would be nice if you could add a menu option somewhere for "export map layer as png."
Julix said over here:
Yeah, would be nice to get some kind of official reply to whether this is possible at some point or definitively not because of how licences work, etc. - I mean I like the market place, but I don't want it limiting other options. If that's the reason we couldn't have this, then maybe on a campaign by campaign basis you could be able to opt out of access to such marketplace resources and since you can't download those anyway restricting access to it might not be toooo hard... hmpf. -- Would be pretty nice to build the map in Roll20 rather than photoshop and then just edit it in Photoshop for shading and final touches...
I'd like to add my +1. This would be a great feature. I'd love to be able to export the state of the map for my notes.
I would also really like this. I've had multiple people on facebook groups request that I give them copies of the maps I've made for various modules. Right now it's a real pain in the ass to make screenshots and copy them all.
Roll20 has a better map making interface (IMHO) than Dungeon Painter Studio. If I could export my maps, I would bet that more people would use roll20 and buy asset packs over using DPS.
I think this would be an amazing feature. Would add possibilities for making a marked and edited roll20 map put into a handout, or shared on discord, or various other options. I like this idea a lot. +1
I came here to post this suggestion! Glad to see someone else is in the same boat. Not only would it help for handouts, but it would allow me to then simply re-upload the image so there aren't any loading issues because of my hundreds of tokens being used to map. If licensing is the issue, I think a good compromise would be the ability to at least "flatten" all the tokens into one image.
This is desperately needed for high-quality maps that run on low-end computers. I like to enhance the detail of my maps with lots of tokens, but that puts a heavy strain on players' computers that have load a bunch of different overlapping images. For instance, if I put a floor on top of a high-res image of a room, and then things on that floor, there's suddenly three different layers of shenanigans to load on the map layer alone. A flatten image functionality isn't as necessary on small maps, but on large maps, especially dungeons, Roll20 can't really do much to help the players unless you stitch together printscreened images like a user suggested above.
Because maps with many overlapping assets load slowly and sometimes even are show before the fog of war is drawn, i stopped using roll20 as 'map' editor. As a workaround I now draw all maps in SVG editor inkscape (opensource, free). It has a layer/object tree, grid snapping and you can define a viewport to export a single PNG of the map in the exact size required for roll20. As i use mostly roll20 asset sets that allow download (like from Gabriel Pickards ) there is no need to worry about copyright.
Yes, as someone who likes to build maps in roll20 but has players with slow internet and old computers, this would be a wonderful feature.
With the newest addition and advertisement that this is possible with Dungeon Scrawl, it really should be doable in Roll20 natively too. Let us download our boards to share with others, edit more precisely in Photoshop programs, and make the load easier with fewer assets for those with poorer connections to Roll20.