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AD&D 1e Character sheet

December 11 (10 years ago)

Edited December 11 (10 years ago)
Thanks for fixing the Strength cell to accommodate exceptional strength. Is it possible to make the Experience cell larger, say the size of the Movement cell? You can only see clearly three digits, and my players are only 1st level, and we can't see all the digits on their experience cell (looks like one player has 101 xp, but he really has 1101, for example), whereas the movement cell could accommodate a much larger number of digits, but would only ever need three, max.

EDIT: the Level cell is also very large, but would never need to be more than 2 digits, whereas experience will (hopefully) get up into 4 digits in first level, and into 6 or more digits in a long-term campaign.
December 11 (10 years ago)

Edited December 11 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
I agree about the XP cell. It doesn't need to be a "numerical" cell with the up & down arrows. Better to have a free text cell with plenty of room for typing into the millions.

Something nice about the Level cell being larger is you can write "Fighter 1 / Thief 1" for a multiclass character in that slot. That's why it could need more than 2 digits. Even if you abbreviated you could still have something like 10/11. Granted you could also just-as-easily write this in the 2 cells labeled "Multiclass" on this character sheet, but, I just wanted to provide a justification for keeping the Levels cell wide and flexible while agreeing with your suggestion to expand the width of the XP field.

A reason for Movement to be a large field (as it is), for times when you need to write a combination of Walk 12", Swim 6", Fly 15".

I've identified at least 2 more issues with the AD&D 1e sheet to look at while you're working on it (whoever would be working on it?):

(1) Add a field for "Armor" or "Armor Type". Currently there is a field for AC, but no place to write "Chainmail + Shield" or "Cloak Of Protection +1" to explain how you got the AC.

(2) Change "Sex" field to say "Gender" to match Roll20 standards. Fortunately it's already a free-text field which meets the requirement requested by Roll20.
December 12 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
This isn't my sheet originally but I fixed the exceptional strength issue on a whim because there was an open issue for it on Github. I'm willing to work on it some more, though! The best way to make sure someone looks at problems and suggestions is to open an issue on this page:

As far as movement goes, would it better to have different fields for walk, swim and fly?
December 12 (10 years ago)

Edited December 12 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
Thanks Kevin! Since you are taking some responsibility on this sheet, consider putting yourself as an "Author" in that field, because this is one sheet that doesn't display any contact name on the Sheet's credits in the Roll20 interface on the details page where the GM can select the character sheet. Most sheets have a credit to someone, which lets people PM that person. You don't have to assume full credit just because you list yourself as a contact there, you can say "based on work by previous contributors" or whatever, that's what the AD&D 2E sheet does.

Movement -- I personally don't think it needs to be split into walk / swim / fly. It currently works with being able to free-type whatever you need in that field. Say another person might want to type Walk / Run / Charge. Another person might want to type Normal / Hasted / Slowed. It's flexible enough the way it is,for that field.

As a best-practices, fields only need to be purely Numerical fields if the number is going to be called-up for a calculation in another field or a macro. All fields which are non-calculating, just readable information (which is honestly most fields), are better as free-text rather than restricting to a label and a numeric field.

To Do requests:
  • Change XP field to free text, wider.
  • Add "Armor type" free text field, preferably near the AC field.
  • Change the word "sex" to "gender" and leave it a free text box.

There are actually tons of other things missing on this sheet that are ordinary on AD&D 1e paper sheets, but I've determined that the Player can adequately use the Bio & Info tab, so that other fields are not necessarily needed on the character sheet. Some examples of this would be things like: Gear, Gems, Magic Items, Background story.
+1 Thanks a lot, Kevin!
January 12 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
Hope to see this thread stay alive and the sheet to progress a bit in 2015.. if Kevin or someone is interested to take the reigns of stewardship :)
January 13 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm extremely busy but this is on my list of things to do if no one gets to it first. As far as character sheets go, I work on a few of them but give priority to games I'm actually running or playing in. Currently, I'm not in a 1e game so it's lower on my priorities. Hopefully I can get to it in a week or two.
January 13 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
I wouldn't mind having a crack at giving the 1st ed sheet some love. I took a look at the sheet and it brought back some great memories and I happen to have my 1st ed books close at hand...
Has there been any progress on this? I'd be willing to kick in some Marketplace cash if someone wants to take this project addition, I'd like to be able to incorporate some roll template stuff - nothing fancy, it's just that the purple of the default template really clashes with my game theme...

Also, I've noticed that you can add weapons and damage types on the character sheet, but there doesn't seem to be any corresponding attribute for them on the Attributes tab. That would be really nice for macros and such.
March 14 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I'm not sure where Vince is at on things. His post is from 2 months ago and the last change on Github is from 4 months ago when I did something with exceptional strength.

This is on my list of things to get to - after a million other todo items. If there's some Marketplace donations going on, I would make it a priority, though.
'Nuff said.
March 14 (10 years ago)

Edited March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Actually, I never got a response(reaction) in the thread, so I didn't think there was much interest... I didn't want to step on anyone's toes so to speak. :-) I started making some changes that were mentioned, added an old school logo, etc. Nothing major, since I think most users of the sheet would like to keep it simple.

March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
I could push my changes and let you take over Kevin.
March 14 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yeah go ahead and make a PR request for what you have finished. Sorry, Vince, I didn't respond because I don't mind someone else working on the same project. If we both are, it's best we coordinate, but don't worry about my toes!

Gozer, I'll get started as soon as I can (prepping for a Monday game and need to finish someone's Ghostbusters RPG character sheet).
March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
Sounds good Kevin. I'll have a look over the sheet real quick and make sure a haven't "broke" anything :-) and I'll update to github.
Sounds great Kevin. Thanks!
March 14 (10 years ago)
Forum Champion
I noticed that Vince fixed all 3 of my main requests, on his screenshot of an update!
March 14 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
March 14 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Gozer, did Vince fix what you needed too?
March 14 (10 years ago)

Edited March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

PR is up ( ). Appologies, I couldn't recall all the changes I made to the sheet off-hand, it was a while back and I was just "sitting" on it. I think I addressed most, if not all the issues that were brought up. Probably plenty of room for improvements/suggestions however.

March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Kevin the Barbarian said:

Gozer, did Vince fix what you needed too?
Pretty sure I changed those as well.

March 14 (10 years ago)
Kevin the Barbarian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You, sir, are an outstanding gentleman.
March 14 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Kevin the Barbarian said:

You, sir, are an outstanding gentleman.
Don't tell my wife...

Kevin the Barbarian said:

Gozer, did Vince fix what you needed too?

Well, from the OP, yes. However, I really would like to be able to access those weapon stats on the attributes tab. As it is, I've made damage macros for a bunch of weapons, and the players then just choose the ones they have. If I could access those stats as attributes, I could create abilities macros for their weapon damage.
March 15 (10 years ago)

Edited March 15 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
I could add repeatable weapon items. They will be hidden attributes, but you can access them easily enough for macros.
@{selected|repeating_weapon_X_WeaponName} Substitute "X" for the weapon row/item, where the first weapon would be "0", the next weapon would be "1", etc.
March 15 (10 years ago)

Edited March 15 (10 years ago)
Vince, that is awesome! That would be great. I would need the weapon name, damage vs. S-M, and damage vs. L.
Would I then be able to put a query as the value for "X," allowing me to write one damage macro, and the player can choose their weapon by inputting the correct row number?
March 15 (10 years ago)

Edited March 15 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Gozer the Gozerian said:

Would I then be able to put a query as the value for "X," allowing me to write one damage macro, and the player can choose their weapon by inputting the correct row number?

Basically. The very first weapon row on the sheet is "0", so any attribute you want to pull from that row will have use a "0" instead of the "X". The next row is "1" (I know, it's a digital world where everything starts at 0...), the next row is "3", and so on.

So the basic attributes on the current weapon row are

Weapon:		{selected|repeating_weapon_X_WeaponName}
Damage vs S-M: {selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageSmallMedium}
Damage vs L: {selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageLarge}
Rate of Fire: {selected|repeating_weapon_X_RateOfFire}
Range: {selected|repeating_weapon_X_Range}
Encumbrance: {selected|repeating_weapon_X_Encumbrance}

If I want to create a macro that reference the first weapon(row), the attributes would be;

Weapon: 	{selected|repeating_weapon_0_WeaponName}
Damage vs S-M: {selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium}
Damage vs L: {selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}
Rate of Fire: {selected|repeating_weapon_0_RateOfFire}
Range: {selected|repeating_weapon_0_Range}
Encumbrance: {selected|repeating_weapon_0_Encumbrance}
When you hover over the fields on the sheet, you'll get some tooltip text that shows you the name of the attribute, which is handy as a reminder for making macros. Right-click inspect element is your friend as well.

Cool beans? I could add attribute for weapon speed as well, or any other suggestions?

Well, some might use weapon speed, but I don't. There were also weapon type vs. armor type modifiers as well, but I don't use them either.

But now that I'm looking at it, I don't think I can input a query, because you can't nest queries. I'd want to do something like:

@{selected|token_name} attacks with a @{selected|repeating_weapon_?{Weapon Row?|0}_WeaponName}

And I think the query within the @{selected} section doesn't work. Am I right? If so, it's still useful, and very helpful - I can make separate Abilities for each weapon - just not quite as flexible as I would like.
March 15 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Gozer the Gozerian said:

Well, some might use weapon speed, but I don't. There were also weapon type vs. armor type modifiers as well, but I don't use them either.

But now that I'm looking at it, I don't think I can input a query, because you can't nest queries. I'd want to do something like:

@{selected|token_name} attacks with a @{selected|repeating_weapon_?{Weapon Row?|0}_WeaponName}

And I think the query within the @{selected} section doesn't work. Am I right? If so, it's still useful, and very helpful - I can make separate Abilities for each weapon - just not quite as flexible as I would like.

I think you would need to create a separate attack macro for each weapon. At least that's what I've seen and use myself. That would be a neat trick though.
March 15 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author
I'll add the repeating fields for weapons and some other goodies. Have some Sunday stuff to take care of first... Never enough time. :-)
Just thought of another thing, on the weapon fields, would it be possible to add "To-hit bonus"? The damage bonus could be added directly into the damage field, but there's no place to add a to-hit bonus.
March 16 (10 years ago)
Sheet Author

Gozer the Gozerian said:

Just thought of another thing, on the weapon fields, would it be possible to add "To-hit bonus"? The damage bonus could be added directly into the damage field, but there's no place to add a to-hit bonus.
Done. :-) I'll add it with the other changes and make a PR.

One more question, when it's available, will it automatically update the sheets I have in my campaign?

Oh, I guess 2 more questions - what would the attribute be for the to-hit bonus? (I've already started making macros using the attributes you gave above!)
March 16 (10 years ago)

Edited March 17 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Yes, once the PR gets accepted, the community sheet will get the updates. The To-Hit Bonus attribute will be @{repeating_weapon_X_ToHitBonus} Don't forget to change the "X" to the proper weapon row. Cheers

Thought I would update the new repeatable weapon attributes (just as soon as the sheet updates)

Weapon:		@{selected|repeating_weapon_X_WeaponName}
To-Hit Bonus:	@{selected|repeating_weapon_X_ToHitBonus}
Damage vs S-M: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageSmallMedium}
Damage vs L: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageLarge}
Rate of Fire: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_RateOfFire}
Range: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_Range}
Encumbrance: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_Encumbrance}
March 17 (9 years ago)

Edited March 17 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Vince said:

Yes, once the PR gets accepted, the community sheet will get the updates. The To-Hit Bonus attribute will be @{repeating_weapon_X_ToHitBonus} Don't forget to change the "X" to the proper weapon row. Cheers
Just gave this some more thought. Would it be better to have a selectable option for the To-Hit Bonus and either choose @MeleeBonus or @RangedBonus as the weapon's To-Hit bonus @{repeating_weapon_X_ToHitBonus}, or just leave it blank and let the user input the correct bonus?

No, leave it blank. I'm going to use that as magic bonus. I already have the player's melee & ranged bonuses accounted for in the attack macro.
March 17 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Just kicking ideas around. Any interest in hide/show the Thief Skills?

Nah, that's not a big deal to me. One thing I do wish is that the saving throws looked nicer. All my macros are inline rolls, but the saving throws are all the /roll formula. But that's just nitpicky. I can make macros if I felt like it and just access the saves from the attributes tab if need be. I probably would do that anyway, just for everything to look uniform.
March 17 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion
I like hide/show the Thief Skills --- in fact I suggested that on the 2E character sheet and Dylan implemented it, and players seem to like it. It kind of makes more of an impact on the 2E sheet though (longer thief section).
March 17 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Gold said:

I like hide/show the Thief Skills --- in fact I suggested that on the 2E character sheet and Dylan implemented it, and players seem to like it. It kind of makes more of an impact on the 2E sheet though (longer thief section).

I was kind of thinking ahead if there was ever a need for more sections as well. Repeatable equipment/gear comes to mind. Not sure if there's a need for spells.

I'll have a look at the Saving Throw output.
March 18 (9 years ago)

Edited March 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Saving throws. What do you think if I changed the current

/roll 1d20>@{SaveRodsStavesWands}

to an inline using roll helpers cs(critical success) and cf(critical fail)?
This would show a Green Box around the inline result for success and a Red Box for fail. Looks real pretty when used inside a macro (maybe a "Save" macro that throws all 5 types of saves at once?).

Show everything vs a colored box.
Yeah, that would be great. I've actually already made a macro like you mentioned (all 5 saves), but didn't use the green & red box idea. That's a good one.
March 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author

Gozer the Gozerian said:

Yeah, that would be great. I've actually already made a macro like you mentioned (all 5 saves), but didn't use the green & red box idea. That's a good one.
Cool. I'll make the change.

March 18 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
  • changed the Save button macros to inline with roll helpers cs and cf.
  • added [hide/show?] option to Thief Skills. Hidden by default (sorry thieves)
  • changed the attribute @{Sex} to @{Gender}. I changed the field label on the sheet in an earlier update, but never changed the attribute name for fear I could possibly break someone's macros. Decided to make the change in accordance with roll20's request as Gold pointed out above.

April 13 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Just a heads-up. I've made some additions/changes to the AD&D 1e sheet. Big thanks to Gozer the Gozerian for his help and suggestions as well as other's that have posted to the character forum. Please use this thread to post your comments, suggestions, and questions so that we can keep things tidy and productive.

I've tried not to make any additions or modifications that are too drastic from the original design or that would/could break the sheet.

Some highlights:

Added titles to all fields and sheet-rolls so that you can hover to see the attribute or sheet-roll name.
Added a few new attributes to the sheet:

Hit Dice: @{HitDice}
(for your monster needs. This is a text field so you may enter the obscure 1+1, 1d4+1, etc.)
Gender: @{Gender}

Repeatable Weapons section:

(note: ALL repeatable item fields should have something entered, even "0" to prevent chat errors.) Repeatable items attributes do not show up in the Abilities and Attributes section of the Journal. They are hidden attributes. To reference a repeatable item attribute directly for macros, just substitute the "X" for the row number of the weapon/attack. Row numbers begin with 0.

Weapon Type: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_WeaponName}
To-Hit Bonus: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_ToHitBonus}
(user should enter the MeleeBonus or RangedBonus modifier depending on the weapon type and this is included in the attack macros)
Magic Bonus:
(this is included in the attack macros for attack and damage)
Damage Bonus: @{repeating_weapon_X_DmgBonus}
Speed: @{repeating_weapon_X_WeaponSpeed}
(some people may use weapon speed)
Damage vs S-M: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageSmallMedium}
Damage vs L: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_DamageLarge}
Rate of Fire: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_RateOfFire}
Range: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_Range}
Encumbrance: @{selected|repeating_weapon_X_Encumbrance}

Added 6 Attack buttons that link to the first 6 repeatable weapons (0-5). These button macros cannot be changed since their macros are hard-coded into the sheet, but the buttons can be drag/dropped to the macro quick bar and can be referenced for other macros.
I may add repeatable attack buttons as well that will allow the user to modify the macro text...

Added Roll Templates:

General: &{template:general} {{name}} {{subtag}} {{key}} {{value}}
(Use the format {{anything=foo}} in your macros and they will display as a formatted two-column row item)

Attacks: &{template:attacks} {{name}} {{subtag}} {{attack1}} {{attack2}} {{attack3}} {{attack4}} {{damage1vsSM}} {{damage2vsSM}}{{damage3vsSM}} {{damage4vsSM}} {{damage1vsL}} {{damage2vsL}} {{damage3vsL}} {{damage4vsL}} {{ToHitAC-10to0}} {{ToHitAC1to10}}
(Used to display attacks, damage, and /w gm the To Hit Armor Class table from the attacker's sheet for a quick reference of the target AC)

The default sheet-roll attacks for the first 6 attacks are for a single attack roll.
example of the first attack button row item, Attack 0;
/me attacks!
&{template:attacks} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtag=@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_WeaponName} }} {{attack1=[[1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_ToHitBonus|0}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]] }} {{damage1vsSM=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{damage1vsL=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]] }}
/w gm &{template:attacks} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtag=To Hit Armor Class}} {{ToHitAC-10to0=@{selected|THAC-10}|@{selected|THAC-9}|@{selected|THAC-8}|@{selected|THAC-7}|@{selected|THAC-6}|@{selected|THAC-5}|@{selected|THAC-4}|@{selected|THAC-3}|@{selected|THAC-2}|@{selected|THAC-1}|**@{selected|THAC0}**}}  {{ToHitAC1to10=**@{selected|THAC0}**|@{selected|THAC1}|@{selected|THAC2}|@{selected|THAC3}|@{selected|THAC4}|@{selected|THAC5}|@{selected|THAC6}|@{selected|THAC7}|@{selected|THAC8}|@{selected|THAC9}|@{selected|THAC10} }}
Although the sheet's attack row button's only use a single attack, you can append additional attacks/damages/queries using your own custom ability macros.

I'll post an example of a custom ability macro with all 4 attacks later.

Added Hide/Show of the Thief Skills section

Added sheet-roll's to all Thief Skills

I think that's about it. The pull is up on Git, should have the update for the sheet this week.
I'll post a couple example macros next.

April 13 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
A few macros that use the roll templates

All 4 attacks using Weapon 0 (row 1 of the repeatable attacks)
(note that the To Hit Armor Class is only whispered to the DM once for easy reference. Remove whatever you don't want)
/me attacks
&{template:attacks} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_WeaponName} }} {{attack1=[[1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_ToHitBonus|0}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier?|0}[MOD]) ]] }} {{damage1vsSM=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{damage1vsL=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{attack2=[[1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_ToHitBonus|0}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier2?|0}[MOD]) ]] }} {{damage2vsSM=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier2?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{damage2vsL=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier2?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{attack3=[[1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_ToHitBonus|0}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier3?|0}[MOD]) ]] }} {{damage3vsSM=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier3?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{damage3vsL=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier3?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{attack4=[[1d20 + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_ToHitBonus|0}[BON] + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{To Hit Modifier4?|0}[MOD]) ]] }} {{damage4vsSM=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageSmallMedium} + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier4?|0}[MOD] ]] }} {{damage4vsL=[[@{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DamageLarge}  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_DmgBonus}[BON]  + @{selected|repeating_weapon_0_MagicBonus|0}[MAG] + ?{Damage Modifier4?|0}[MOD] ]] }}
/w gm &{template:attacks} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{ToHitAC-10to0=@{selected|THAC-10}|@{selected|THAC-9}|@{selected|THAC-8}|@{selected|THAC-7}|@{selected|THAC-6}|@{selected|THAC-5}|@{selected|THAC-4}|@{selected|THAC-3}|@{selected|THAC-2}|@{selected|THAC-1}|**@{selected|THAC0}**}} {{ToHitAC1to10=**@{selected|THAC0}**|@{selected|THAC1}|@{selected|THAC2}|@{selected|THAC3}|@{selected|THAC4}|@{selected|THAC5}|@{selected|THAC6}|@{selected|THAC7}|@{selected|THAC8}|@{selected|THAC9}|@{selected|THAC10} }}
Roll All Saves at once
&{template:general} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtag=Saving Throws}} {{Rods,Staves,Wands=[[1d20cs>@{selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}cf<@{selected|SaveRodsStavesWands}]] }} {{Breath Weapons=[[1d20cs>@{selected|SaveBreathWeapons}cf<@{selected|SaveBreathWeapons}]] }} {{Paralysis,Poison,Death=[[1d20cs>@{selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}cf<@{selected|SaveParalysisPoisonDeath}]] }} {{Petrification, Polymorph=[[1d20cs>@{selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}cf<@{selected|SavePetrificationPolymorph}]] }} {{Spells=[[1d20cs>@{selected|SaveSpells}cf<@{selected|SaveSpells}]] }}
April 13 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion
Looks fun. Thanks for working on it. I'll check it out when it goes live with the update.
Great work Vince!
April 15 (9 years ago)

Edited April 15 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Appoligies, I had a momentary lapse of reason... And forgot to update the css file along with the html on my pull request. Made a new PR to Git with the changes. Very sorry. Will voluntarily take 50 lashes in the public square.
April 23 (9 years ago)

Edited April 23 (9 years ago)
Sheet Author
Small update: Gozer noticed some formating discrepancies with some inline rolls. (Thanks Gozer) Old leftover css style was causing the issue with the indentation, it's been removed. PR submitted to git

Also in regards to the THAC table whispered to the DM on attacks. If you enter single digit THAC numbers on the sheet as given from the To Hit tables, the THAC Table in output will become askew. The easiest fix for now is to add a leading "0" to any single digit THAC you enter on the sheet. ie "9" would be entered as "09". I tried many different combinations for showing the THAC table in chat and finally settled on what's currently in use. It's basically a combination of mono-spaced font and strategic spacing. I'll revisit this and see if I can't find a better method. I'm open to suggestions. Cheers