Thanks Kevin! Since you are taking some responsibility on this sheet, consider putting yourself as an "Author" in that field, because this is one sheet that doesn't display any contact name on the Sheet's credits in the Roll20 interface on the details page where the GM can select the character sheet. Most sheets have a credit to someone, which lets people PM that person. You don't have to assume full credit just because you list yourself as a contact there, you can say "based on work by previous contributors" or whatever, that's what the AD&D 2E sheet does. Movement -- I personally don't think it needs to be split into walk / swim / fly. It currently works with being able to free-type whatever you need in that field. Say another person might want to type Walk / Run / Charge. Another person might want to type Normal / Hasted / Slowed. It's flexible enough the way it is,for that field. As a best-practices, fields only need to be purely Numerical fields if the number is going to be called-up for a calculation in another field or a macro. All fields which are non-calculating, just readable information (which is honestly most fields), are better as free-text rather than restricting to a label and a numeric field. To Do requests: Change XP field to free text, wider. Add "Armor type" free text field, preferably near the AC field. Change the word "sex" to "gender" and leave it a free text box. There are actually tons of other things missing on this sheet that are ordinary on AD&D 1e paper sheets, but I've determined that the Player can adequately use the Bio & Info tab, so that other fields are not necessarily needed on the character sheet. Some examples of this would be things like: Gear, Gems, Magic Items, Background story.