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The Insider Podcast is switching to Mentor only, and I think it's a poor decision.

I really think that switching the Insider Podcast to Mentor only is going to be a bad idea. Supporters being able to listen to the Insider Podcast and hear about the juicy bits and goodies that Mentors are getting is likely one of the most effective factors in getting Supporters decide to upgrade to Mentor.  Without the Roll20 bug buzzing in their ear every week (or every other week now) to remind users of all the cool stuff they could be missing out on, you're basically leaving them to their own devices. Maybe they'll go read the forums, maybe not. Maybe they'll hear about those cool features coming out for Mentors somewhere else, maybe not. Either way, I personally plan on upgrading to Mentor the moment that the API script that I'm looking for comes to be. Just the input of a concerned user. I hope you guys will reconsider.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
There is going to be a more general podcast for everyone not just mentors also. It is going to cover a more broader material while the mentor podcast is going to be dealing with the paid subscription mentor stuff (I think but I could be wrong also).
That's my point though. The podcast helps tease new mentor features, giving incentive to upgrade.