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Rotating Game Table

This idea probably won't apply to most tabletop RPGs. It's better suited for card games or team board games where it matters to have your cards and items lined up on the table in front of you. It's really awkward to be player 3 or 4 and have to play the game sideways. It would be great if each player were able to rotate their view of the table at 45° or 90° intervals so that everyone's perspective appeared to be upright even if they were playing from 4 different directions. I hope this makes sense.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
That sounds awesome! Gauss and I talked about this for Chess games at one point in the Mentor forum. Our solution was to have two pages which were kept in sync, but rotated. (We never wrote it though). This sounds much better!
Can this be done with API or something, or do I have to wait for the off-chance that the devs implement this kind of tool? What I wouldn't give to be able to do this in multiplayer card games.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
While I have to say there is technically a solution via the API, it would be extremely tedious to write and manage. It would basically require each player to have his own page, on which the actions of all the others are duplicated but with a transform applied to make them appear at their place around the table. There is a similar technique that has been discussed to allow some players to see invisible things. To my knowledge no one has ever written it.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
That just means it's a good suggestion. =D Depending on the complexity of the board game, it would be far more feasible than for the invisible monsters example.
I don't recall the invisible monster example. The game in question actually isn't a board game, though. This request was actually inspired by my Magic: the Gathering "campaign." Thanks to some of your other scripts (especially your shuffle script), card games have never been more accessible on roll20.
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Ah, interesting!
Marketplace Creator
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