When Sorrow Swept the Land, Teardrops of the Awa'shiri Friday 2330 Central Standard (It will be a long session, roughly three hours). Google Hangout will be used. Headsets and Microphones are required. We begin when I have 4-6 players. Level 4 characters; you are allotted 1500g for items. Choose wisely! There are no class/race restrictions as long as your character is deemed legal (22 point buy for Ability Scores) and you can explain it. I would stress Primal classes fit best overall with this corrupted affront to nature, as well as Divine. The only true rule: Be Creative. I will let you get away with a lot as long as you give me a reason to. (Example: I want to grapple the dragon. Why? I want to pin his head down so that the swordsman can get a better swing at it and the mage can cast at it while I am distracting it. Ok, attempt to grab a horn on the dragon's head as it sweeps at you.) ((and no, there won't be dragons...)) The Players:
Character Name
Character Class/Role
Bullywug Barbarian
The Story: This is a side-plot to give players from my campaign a sort of... inside look on some NPCs they recently encountered. Do not expect your character to live, honor awaits you. The Awa'shiri are Hare-like creatures, on average they stand between 6-8'(before counting their 2-4' ears depending on their breeding). They are renown artisans, agile blade-dancers, and loyal warriors. In the Desert of the Walking Sands they make The Spears that Pierce the Sky their home. Over the last few years something has afflicted these people. Corruption. Sorrow, Greed, Anger. These were traits not known to be inside of these beings. Where before they would open their walls to travelers to allow escape from the desert heat, they now bar their doors, archers shooting down anyone who dares approach from the main entryway. You have received word, brave souls, of another entryway, and one that might take you to the very heart of the Spear. The seasons are shifting, even the cosmos screams it. Will you give your all to free these people? Will you drum up the courage to delve deep in to the heart of the world and fight what veterans have come to fear?