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Transmogrifier -- shared tokens? Tags?

I'm thinking of upping to Mentor level, but I wanted to learn more about the sharing aspects of the Transmogrifier first. Would this mean I can use my tokens and other images across all my campaigns? Would they still be tagged? If I'm using an image in two campaigns, does it take up twice as much space?
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
To answer you questions. Yes you can share them across all your campaigns that you created If you have them tagged in your art library they stay tagged. No it does not take up any extra space. The quota you have is for the storage of the tokens not the use of them. This means you can have 1 token in your art library and use it in 25 campaigns if you want without affecting your quota.
Sheet Author
Hello Jen and welcome aboard. Have a read on the wiki Transmogrifier if you haven't already done so. Your Library items(images) are available across campaigns. If they are tagged in the library, they are tagged across campaigns as well. AFAIK, an image in the library can be used across all of your campaigns but you are only using your aloted memory quota for the one image uploaded. Hope this helps.
Sheet Author
Thank you both! Yes, I read the wiki first, but it didn't say.
Sheet Author
Just a note Jen, you don't have to use the Transmogrifier(Mentor feature) to share your Library items across your campaigns. The Transmogrifier is very useful however in allowing you to share campaign map pages, characters, handouts, tables, and decks. Quite a time saver.
Oh! Good to know. Hmmmm. Thanks.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Thank you Vince for completing what I was going to post.
Sheet Author
Pat S. said: Thank you Vince for completing what I was going to post. Absolutley. :-)