TL;DR- MMO meets Tabletop RPG with a dash of shadowrun Hoi Chummers, I'm here to talk to you today about / r/RunnerHub I can already see some of you scratching your heads, let me elaborate. Runnerhub was the baby of a few people who are regulars
of /r/Shadowrun who got fed up with the sheer amount of people wanting
to find a game. It is often a great struggle to somehow find a game in
this hobby, and thus the hub was born. It is a structured meeting point
for GMs and Players to meet online and play games. However, it goes
deeper than that; all of the runs played on the 'hub take place in the
same world, meaning a run you do on Tuesday could effect someone else's
run on Friday. We currently average 2 sessions a DAY. Yes that's right, our GMs toil away in the shadows pumping out games for everyone to play. Fear not those who live in different countries, these runs are spread over different timezones meaning you probably won't have to wake up at 2am to get your role play fix. But wait there's more! There is a
meta-plot afoot, led by our novahot team of enslaved Storymakers that we
keep chained up in the basement.Recently there has been an entire
campaign arc based around who will be the next mayor of Seattle. There
are also threads to discuss said meta-plot in character as the players
react to the ever changing world around them (That or just yell at
keebs) So now I'm hearing you all say: "Gee that's great NotBob, but how do I, a lowly nub, join this Goliath?" Well
Jimmy (That's your name now reader, accept it), you create a Fifth
Edition character sheet using Chummer (Free) or Herolab and then post it
to our special Character Review SubReddit
for our sagely team of reviewers to look over (Checking for not just
rules legality, but also to make you have a character you will enjoy
playing on the hub.). After you've been approved by the sheet team, you
can start posting in Runnerhub and applying for jobs with that
character. Runs are primarily done over Skype and Roll20 (however a few rare GMs prefer teamspeak or Google hangouts). Helpful Links: Current House Rules for Runnnerhub Basic Concepts of Shadowrun, and Concepts of Play Guide to Basic Gear The Story so Far Videos of some games in action Calendar of Upcoming and Previous Games (Auto Updates) My personal Runnerhub Table Runnerhub LFG post If you have any other questions, send me a PM on Reddit or post here.