This topic will list all items being kept in "Party Loot". These items can be taken on an adventure and used at anytime, and unless I hear differently they are kept in your guarded warehouse in Stilt Town. NOTE: This means you need to say "We are taking blank with us" before you embark on an adventures. The only items I will assume you take to the Palace are the keys. Please keep me updated with what is currently in this list. List of Items: Keys from 2-headed goblin on First Floor Keys from Nekros Magic Map to Sunken Temple of the Icon (found on pirate ship) Nautical Chart of the Urchin Isles Palace Maps: First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor Cask of Holy Water Longevity Potion Vampire Statue (being analyzed at the Wizard's Tower) 4x Miracle Max Pills 10x 2d6 Healing Vials 2x Javelines made of thick, dark, straight black wood; tipped by a long spear-like blade made of rough metallic stone. Book of Slime Research (can be referred to at any point since most characters have read it by now. Anytime you have a slime question or encounter a slime type creature and want to be made aware of its properties, you can recall this knowledge.) Instruction book telling how to activate teleportation machine found on 2nd floor of Palace of the Vamprie Queen. Iconian scroll* describing how to activate and operate a space ship, as well as acting as a rosetta stone to read iconian without aid of spells. Large pile of raw spider silk. Strongmoor People of Note: Fingal the Litigation Trickster, who was looking for Thaddeus. Throm the Marine Captain, who attempted to press those in the group into military service as recruits. Palace of the Vampire Queen NPC's of Note: Virez, whose portrait hangs in the front hallway of the First Floor entrance. Xylarthen, the plutonian wizard who wiped out half the group with a trifling flick of his wrist but was charmed by a 1st level magic-user. "The Princesss", who was allegedly kidnapped by a vampire cult and brought to the Palace against her will. Ashivaka, the Queen mentioned by several cryptic Stygian hieroglyphs found throughout the palace.